Scroll through the chicken Vegetables

300 gr chicken miller
1 / 2 onion finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, puree
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 yellow
50 gr flour panir
2 carrots, peeled, boiled briefly
4 pcs bean
2 tablespoons margarine

Tomato sauce:
1 tablespoon margarine
1 bh onions, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp Italian seasoning
100 gr tomato sauce
3 tablespoons sambal sauce
salt, pepper powder, sugar and adequate

Ways of making:
1. Mix all ingredients and chicken, mixed flat. For the dough into 2 and place the dough on top of the meat aluminum foil, averaging
2. Give carrots and bean in the center, roll up to tidy
3. Steam chicken until cooked, lift and open the aluminum foil, seen

4. Heat margarine, stir fry the onions and garlic until fragrant. Enter the italian seasoning, salt, pepper, sugar and sand, mixed flat. Add the sambal sauce, stir well and cook until evenly cooked, lift.
5. Heat omelet pan, give margarine and cooking chicken until cooked vegetable roll, lift
6. Serve chicken with vegetables roll sausnya
(5 portions)

Ayam Gulung Sayuran
300 gr ayam giling
1/2 bawang bombay cincang halus
2 siung bawang putih, haluskan
1 sendok makan saus tiram
1 kuning telur
50 gr tepung panir
2 buah wortel, kupas, rebus sebentar
4 bh buncis
2 sendok makan margarin

Saus Tomat:
1 sendok makan margarin
1 bh bawang bombay, cincang halus
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 sendok teh italian seasoning
100 gr saus tomat
3 sendok makan saus sambal
garam, merica bubuk, dan gula pasir secukupnya

Cara pembuatan:
1. Campurkan ayam dan semua bahan, aduk rata. Bagi adonan menjadi 2 lalu letakan adonan daging di atas aluminium foil, ratakan
2. Beri wortel dan buncis di bagian tengah, gulung hingga rapi
3. Kukus ayam hingga matang, angkat dan buka aluminium foil, sisihkan

4. Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay dan bawang putih hingga wangi. Masukkan italian seasoning, garam, merica, dan gula pasir, aduk rata. Tambahkan saus sambal, aduk rata dan masak hingga matang, angkat.
5. Panaskan pan dadar, beri margarin lalu masak ayam gulung sayuran hingga matang, angkat
6. Sajikan ayam gulung sayuran dengan sausnya
(5 porsi)

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Sour, sweet, long beans

Raw materials:
200 gr enemy, peeled, cut and slice, slice
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 bh onions thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 vertebra finger ginger, thinly sliced
300 gr long beans, cut
100 ml water
1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon sambal sauce
1 tablespoon tomato sauce
2 tsp lemon juice
Salt, sugar and pepper bububk adequate

Ways of making:
1. Heat oil, stir fry the onions, garlic, and ginger until fragrant.
2. Enter the spy, cook until the color changed. Enter the water, add sweet soy sauce, sambal sauce, ketchup, lime juice, salt, sugar and pepper. Cook until boiling
3. Enter the long beans, cooking until cooked
4. Lift and serve warm
(4 portions)

Asam manis kacang panjang

Bahan bahan :
200 gr cumi, kupas, potong lalu kerat-kerat
2 sendok makan minyak goreng
1 bh bawang bombay iris tipis
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 ruas jari jahe, iris tipis
300 gr kacang panjang, potong-potong
100 ml air
1 sendok makan kecap manis
1 sendok makan saus sambal
1 sendok makan saus tomat
2 sendok teh air jeruk nipis
Garam, gula pasir dan merica bububk secukupnya

Cara pembuatan :
1. Panaskan minyak goreng, tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih, dan jahe hingga wangi.
2. Masukkan cumi, masak hingga berubah warna. Masukkan air, tambahkan kecap manis, saus sambal, saus tomat, air jeruk nipis, garam, gula pasir dan merica. Masak hingga mendidih
3. Masukkan kacang panjang, masak hingga matang
4. Angkat dan sajikan hangat
(4 porsi)

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Block Buncis Curry Spices

250 gr spy, clean
100 gr shrimp, clean
100 grams bean cut 2 cm
4 pcs starfruit, vegetables, cut
1 stem Serai, memarkan
1 vertebra finger lengkuas, memarkan
2 bay leaf
1 tsp sugar
100 ml coconut milk
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
adequate salt

Fine spices:
5 cloves garlic
3 pcs red onion
1 tsp coriander
3 eggs hazelnut
3 segment of finger turmeric
1 spoon curry powder ready for use

Ways of making:
Heat oil, stir-fry seasoning fine, Serai, and lengkuas bay until fragrant. Enter the spy, shrimp and bean, mixed flat
Pour coconut milk, add sugar and salt. Cook until cooked, and seasonings permeate
(4 portions)

Cumi Buncis Bumbu Kari

250 gr cumi, bersihkan
100 gr udang, bersihkan
100 gram buncis potong 2 cm
4 bh belimbing sayur, potong-potong
1 batang serai, memarkan
1 ruas jari lengkuas, memarkan
2 lembar daun salam
1 sendok teh gula merah
100 ml santan
1 sendok makan minyak goreng
garam secukupnya

Bumbu halus :
5 siung bawang putih
3 bh bawang merah
1 sendok teh ketumbar
3 butir kemiri
3 ruas jari kunyit
1 sendok bubuk kari siap pakai

Cara pembuatan:
Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus, serai, lengkuas dan daun salam hingga harum. Masukkan cumi, udang dan buncis, aduk rata
Tuangkan santan, tambahkan gula merah dan garam. Masak hingga matang dan bumbu meresap
(4 porsi)

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Strait Solo

Raw materials:
250 gr beef cut
2 carrots, four sides, cut into 5 cm diameter, cooked, boiled
2 potatoes, peeled, cut segment, for frying
100 gr bean, cut into 5 cm stew cooked
2 eggs, cooked, boiled, peeled, cut
100 gr rabbit

5 cloves garlic, puree
3 eggs, onion, puree
1 bh onions cut small dice
1 bh tomato, cut into 8 parts of
5 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tsp pepper powder
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 liter of water
adequate salt

150 ml of water
1.5 tbsp plain flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
pepper powder and salt adequate
2 boiled eggs, take kuningnya, puree mustards

Ways of making:
Boil the water, enter wheat flour, mustards and until boiling. Lift, entries sugar, lemon juice, salt and pepper yellow eggs average

Heat oil, stir-fry seasoning fine, and onions until fragrant. Pour tumisan flavor to the cooking water to boil
Insert meat, tomatoes, sugar, sweet soy sauce, pepper, and salt. Cook until the meat is cooked and sauce is reduced, lift
Prepare dishes City, stacks of meat, lettuce, carrot, potato, bean and egg
Flush with the gravy and serve with sauce
(4 portions)

Selat Solo
Bahan bahan:
250 gr daging sapi potong-potong
2 wortel, belah empat, potong 5 cm, rebus matang
2 kentang, kupas, potong juring, goreng
100 gr buncis, potong 5 cm rebus matang
2 butir telur, rebus matang, kupas, potong-potong
100 gr selada

5 siung bawang putih, haluskan
3 butir bawang merah, haluskan
1 bh bawang bombay potong dadu kecil
1 bh tomat, potong 8 bagian
5 sendok makan kecap manis
1 sendok makan gula merah
1 sendok teh merica bubuk
2 sendok makan minyak goreng
1 liter air
garam secukupnya

150 ml air
1,5 sendok makan tepung terigu
2 sendok makan gula pasir
1 sendok makan air jeruk nipis
merica bubuk dan garam secukupnya
2 butir telur rebus, ambil kuningnya, haluskan mustard

Cara pembuatan :
Saus :
Didihkan air, masukkan tepung terigu, dan mustard hingga mendidih. Angkat, masukan gula pasir, air jeruk nipis, garam merica dan kuning telur aduk rata

Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus, dan bawang bombay hingga wangi. Tuangkan tumisan bumbu ke dalam air masak hingga mendidih
Masukkan daging, tomat, gula merah, kecap manis, merica, dan garam. Masak hingga daging matang dan kuah berkurang, angkat
Siapkan piring saji, susun daging, selada, wortel, kentang, buncis dan telur
Siram dengan kuah daging lalu sajikan dengan saus
(4 porsi)

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Fish hut Bakr Babe H. Lili

Jl.Wahid Hashim No.36 Central Jakarta

Pumpkin Shrimp curry leaves

300gr pumpkin leaves, clean
200gr shrimp, peeled skin, tail sisakan
1sendok eat cooking oil
1 stem Serai, memarkan
1 turmeric leaf
3 sheets orange leaves
2 bay leaf
1 rash finger lengkuas, memarkan
500 ml coconut milk
3 pcs red chili, finely sliced thin
1 bh sour stuff

Fine spices:
3 pcs red chili
5 pcs onion
3 cloves garlic
1 vertebra finger ginger
adequate salt

Ways of making:
Heat oil, stir-fry seasoning fine, Serai, turmeric leaf, orange leaves, bay, and lengkuas until fragrant.
Enter the shrimp, cook until the color changed, lift
Boil coconut milk, chili, tamarind and boil until the stuff
Enter the leaves of pumpkin, cooked until cooked, ready to panjat in blender
(4 portions)

Pondok Ikan Bakar Babe H.Lili
Jl.Wahid Hasyim No.36 Jakarta Pusat

Gulai Daun Labu Udang

Bahan-bahan :
300gr daun labu, bersihkan
200gr udang, kupas kulit, sisakan ekor
1sendok makan minyak goreng
1 batang serai, memarkan
1 lembar daun kunyit
3 lembar daun jeruk
2 lembar daun salam
1 ruam jari lengkuas, memarkan
500 ml santan
3 bh cabai merah, iris tipis halus
1 bh asam kandis

Bumbu halus:
3 bh cabai merah
5 bh bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 ruas jari jahe
garam secukupnya

Cara pembuatan:
Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus, serai, daun kunyit, daun jeruk, daun salam, dan lengkuas hingga wangi.
Masukkan udang, masak hingga berubah warna, angkat
Didihkan santan, cabai, dan asam kandis hingga mendidih
Masukkan daun labu, masak hingga matang, angkat siap di sajikan
(4 porsi)

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Shrimp Sauce Padang style huts Fish Bakr Babe H. Lili

1 / 4 shrimp that have been cleaned
1 paprika
Cloves 1 onion
1 clove garlic, mashed
The adequate Sauce
Margarine adequate
1 / 4 tsp pepper
Adequate salt
Sasa adequate

Material sauce Padang:
1 / 2 cloves ginger
1 / 2 cloves lengkuas
3 seed hazelnut
Pepper adequate
5 cloves of mashed chili
(all ingredients mashed into one)

Ways of making:
Enter the garlic, shrimp, onion, paprika and seasoning sauce that has been in puree
Stir-fry until fragrant and stir well to the average
Leave some time, and lift and serve
(For 1 portion)

Udang Saos Padang ala Pondok Ikan Bakar Babe H. Lili
1/4 udang yang telah dibersihkan
1 buah paprika
1 siung bawang bombay
1 siung bawang putih dihaluskan
Saos padang secukupnya
Margarin secukupnya
1/4 sdt merica
Garam secukupnya
Sasa secukupnya

Bahan saos Padang:
1/2 siung jahe
1/2 siung lengkuas
3 biji kemiri
Lada secukupnya
5 siung cabai yang dihaluskan
(semua bahan dihaluskan menjadi satu)

Cara pembuatan:
Masukkan bawang putih, udang bawang bombay, paprika dan bumbu saos yang telah di haluskan
Tumis hingga wangi dan aduk sampai rata
Diamkan beberapa saat, lalu angkat dan sajikan
(Untuk 1 porsi)

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Shrimp Sauce Manis Acid Fuel Ikan ala Babe H. Lili

1 / 4 shrimp that have been cleaned
1 paprika
Cloves 1 onion
1 clove of garlic mashed
Sweet tamarind sauce adequate
Margarine adequate
1 / 4 tsp pepper
Adequate salt
Sasa adequate

Material sour sauce:
Tomato sauce
Sambal Sauce

Ways of making:
Stir-fry garlic, shrimp, onions and paprika flavor other. Cook until fragrant
After Mix sauce and tomato sauce as a condiment sweet tamarind sauce. Until evenly mixed
Leave for 15 minutes, lift and serve
(For 1 portion)

Udang Saos Asam Manis ala Ikan Bakar Babe H.Lili
1/4 udang yang telah dibersihkan
1 paprika
1 siung bawang bombay
1 siung bawang putih yang dihaluskan
Saos asam manis secukupnya
Margarin secukupnya
1/4 sdt merica
Garam secukupnya
Sasa secukupnya

Bahan saos asam :
Saos tomat
Saos sambal

Cara pembuatan :
Tumis bawang putih, udang, paprika bawang bombay dan bumbu penyedap lainnya. Masak hingga wangi
Setelah itu campurkan saos tomat dan saos sambal sebagai saos asam manis. Aduk sampai merata
Diamkan selama 15 menit, angkat dan sajikan
(Untuk 1 porsi)

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Powder style fried shrimp, fish house Bakar Pak Tarjo

Shrimp, which has been in clear
-1 Eggs

Ways of making:
-Mix flour dough with the egg flavor that has been shaken, and enter the shrimp that have been peeled and clean, stir well to the average.
After-fried in hot oil until brown in color.
Lift-ready and presented.
(For 1)

Shrimp, oyster sauce style house Mr. Fish Bakr Tarjo
Shrimp, which has been in clear
-Sliced onions
-2 Cloves

-3 Cloves onion
-5 Seeds, cayenne pepper
-2 Seeds, red chili, finely cut
1sdt-sweet sauce
1sdt-oyster sauce
-1/2sdt Sasa
-1/2sdt Salt

Ways of making:
-Heat oil and fry until half cooked shrimp, and lift the Drain
-Stir fry the onions, sliced chilies, garlic, onion merah.Masukkan fried shrimp and oyster sauce
-Add flavor and fry until cooked.

Udang goreng Tepung ala Pondok Ikan Bakar Pak Tarjo
-Udang yang telah di bersihkan
-Tepung bumbu
-1 butir telur

Cara pembuatan :
-Campurkan adonan tepung bumbu dengan telor yang sudah dikocok, lalu masukkan udang yang telah di kupas dan di bersihkan, aduk hingga rata.
-Setelah itu goreng di dalam minyak panas hingga berwarna kecoklatan.
-Angkat dan siap disajikan.
(Untuk 1 orang)

Udang saos tiram ala Pondok Ikan Bakar Pak Tarjo
Bahan-bahan :
-Udang yang telah di bersihkan
-Irisan bawang bombay
-2 siung bawang putih
-3 siung bawang merah
-5 biji cabe rawit
-2 biji cabai merah yang dipotong halus
-1sdt kecap manis
-1sdt saos tiram
-1/2sdt sasa
-1/2sdt garam

Cara pembuatan :
-Panaskan minyak dan goreng udang hingga setengah matang, angkat dan tiriskan
-Tumis bawang bombay, irisan cabai, bawang putih, bawang merah.Masukkan udang goreng dan saos tiram
-Tambahkan bumbu penyedap dan goreng hingga matang.

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If the Health Information rainy season has arrived

The rainy season began Jakarta and the surrounding membrane, the area began to flood the region. You have been preparing the rainy season this year, how do you anticipate to start the rain came down.
Rain is not always synonymous with the flood course, but you need to remind the emergence of the disease after the flood. Here is a disease prevention and will appear necessary during the rainy season.

The rainy season began Jakarta and the surrounding membrane, the area began to flood the region. You have been preparing the rainy season this year, how do you anticipate to start the rain came down.
Rain is not always synonymous with the flood course, but you need to remind the emergence of the disease after the flood. Here is a disease prevention and will appear necessary during the rainy season.

Sinusitis disease, flu, DENGUE FEVER, diarrhea
- Istirahatlah enough, why I say enough, because if too excessive, of course it is not break again.
- Wash hands immediately after the event, an event that since the small teach by parents and teachers, what benefits: Wash hands after activity outside and eat it will be one effective way to prevent disease in the channel everywhere (of course, you should wash with water also).
- Avoid direct contact with those who are suffering from cough, runny nose,
- If you use air conditioning, often-seringlah to wash filter so that the fungus, dust, which can cause the disease can lose at reduced or minimal
- Do not forget to clean the carpets and sofas. (Clean chairs / sofas, of course, do better in the outdoors)
- Pay attention to the menu of food that will be in the eating, especially for you to understand the meaning of 4 healthy 5 perfect. Fresh vegetables or fruit, green, yellow, dark red and very good for the rainy season.
- Avoid cigarette smoke / smoke vehicle / engine and do not forget to bring your handkerchief or tissue
- Do not smoke, because of a heavy smoker more vulnerable flu disease, cigarette smoke can cause the system to dry everywhere.
- Use an umbrella or a raincoat when it rains, if the situation does not allow you to cover first.
- Use the cover nose in derah prone to pollution.
- Many of drinking water (of course), because the water we drink to work to lift the poison in the body. In theory human adults need 8 glasses of water a day. During you can do and do not for once but gradually.
- Close all water that allows mosquitoes lay there with the clean up at least 2 times a week, the mosquito eggs to hatch into jentik not.
- Usirlah mosquitoes with mosquito drugs
- Maintain cleanliness of room, do not wont to hang clothes, if not immediately in use, the clothes a long period of time better in the fold (or give in to me) to prevent the mosquito Aedes Aegypti hiding. Do not forget to tidy goods into the warehouse or as a table.
- Abatisasi, namely, the stud abate powder in place of water that can repeat for 2-3 months. Abate is not dangerous for humans. Abate is very good at taburkan in place of water in kuras difficult.
- Do not buy food - drink in vain place
- Clean water drainage channels, especially if you choke up and did not flow.
- Provide medicines at home.

Bahasa Indonesia

Informasi Kesehatan Jika Musim hujan sudah tiba

Musim hujan mulai membasahi Jakarta dan sekitarnya, banjir mulai melanda daerah daerah. Sudah siapkan anda menghadapi musim hujan tahun ini, bagaimana antisipasi anda untuk menghadapi hujan yang mulai turun.
Hujan tidak selalu identik dengan banjir saja, namun perlu anda ingatkan munculnya penyakit sesudah banjir. Berikut ini penyakit yang akan muncul dan pencegahan yang diperlukan selama musim hujan.

Penyakit Sinusitis, flu, deman berdarah, diare
- Istirahatlah yang cukup, kenapa saya katakan cukup, karena jika terlalu berlebihan tentunya itu bukanlah istirahat lagi.
- Cuci tangan setelah melakukan aktivitas, suatu hal yang sejak dari kecil di ajarkan oleh guru maupun orang tua, apa manfaatnya : Mencuci tangan setelah melakukan aktivitas luar maupun akan makan ternyata salah satu cara efektif mencegah penyakit menular pada saluran pernapasan (tentunya anda harus mencuci dengan air bersih juga).
- Hindari kontak langsung dengan mereka yang sedang menderita batuk, pilek,
- Bila anda menggunakan AC, sering-seringlah untuk mencuci saringan agar jamur, debu yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit dapat di hilangkan atau minimal dikurangi
- Jangan lupakan untuk membersihkan karpet dan sofa.(membersihkan kursi / sofa tentunya lebih baik di lakukan di luar ruangan)
- Perhatikan menu makanan yang akan di makan, terutama untuk anda yang mengerti arti 4 sehat 5 sempurna. Sayuran atau buah segar berwarna hijau, merah dan kuning gelap sangat baik untuk musim hujan.
- Hindari asap rokok / asap kendaraan / mesin dan jangan lupa untuk membawa sapu tangan atau tissue
- Jangan merokok, karena seorang perokok berat lebih rentan terserang penyakit flu, asap rokok dapat menyebabkan bagian sistem pernapasan kering.
- Pakailah jas hujan atau payung ketika hujan, jika situasi tidak memungkinkan anda dapat berteduh dahulu.
- Gunakan penutup hidung di derah rawan polusi.
- Banyak minum air bersih (tentunya), karena air yang kita minum berfungsi untuk mengangkat racun dalam tubuh. Secara teori manusia dewasa membutuhkan 8 gelas air bersih dalam sehari . Selama anda bisa melakukannya dan lakukan tidak untuk sekaligus namun secara bertahap.
- Tutup semua tempat penampungan air yang memungkinkan nyamuk bertelur di sana dengan membersihkan minimal 2 kali seminggu, agar telur nyamuk tidak menetas menjadi jentik.
- Usirlah nyamuk dengan obat nyamuk
- Jagalah kebersihan kamar, jangan membiasakan menggantung baju jika tidak segera di pakai, baju yang jangka waktu lama lebih baik di lipat (atau di berikan kepada saya) untuk mencegah nyamuk Aedes Aegypti bersembunyi. Jangan lupa membereskan barang-barang yang berserakan seperti gudang atau meja.
- Abatisasi, yakni menaburkan bubuk abate pada tempat penampungan air yang bisa di ulangi selama 2-3 bulan sekali. Abate tidak berbahaya bagi manusia. Abate sangat baik di taburkan di tempat air yang sulit di kuras.
- Jangan membeli makanan - minuman di sembarangan tempat
- Bersihkan selokan saluran air anda apalagi jika sampai tersumbat dan tidak mengalir.
- Sediakan obat-obatan di rumah.

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Information on how to overcome dry lips and broken pieces

Lips soft one indicator beauty of the face. Get you imagine if the face polesan you berkilauan in the make-up but that is visible on the dry lips and broken (Lulu's likely I would imagine). In general, lips and broken in the dry karenakan lack of oil glands, the use of lipstick that is not appropriate, often located in room air conditioners, the influence of the weather. If all that does not do in the prevention of further increase will be very dry and can even lead to acute bleeding.
Dry lips wet with saliva actually step wrong, because saliva (saliva) will make the lips when kelembapannya lost touch

Information Beauty

Lips soft one indicator beauty of the face. Get you imagine if the face polesan you berkilauan in the make-up but that is visible on the dry lips and broken (Lulu's likely I would imagine). In general, lips and broken in the dry karenakan lack of oil glands, the use of lipstick that is not appropriate, often located in room air conditioners, the influence of the weather. If all that does not do in the prevention of further increase will be very dry and can even lead to acute bleeding.
Dry lips wet with saliva actually step wrong, because saliva (saliva) will make the lips when kelembapannya lost touch. How does it work:

First way: Do not peel the skin
Sometimes the lips broken pieces to make our hands accidentally lip peel skin, this will make the lips more severe infection and open wounds. That we can do is to use a small towel, basahi with warm water and slowly Wipe the skin, dry skin generally dry and broken pieces will be released to compress technique.

Both ways: lubricants lips
Saliva lubricant is not recommended to dampen the dry lips, this can make your lips are dry. To overcome them, you always prepare Lip balm or vaseline, which contains vitamins E and C.

Third way: Clean your lips correctly
After conducting day-to-day activities, the body feels tired (if you like Cape possibility is a robot). However, do not forget the beautiful lips have been given little lipstick cleaned. You can use toothpaste in the mouth with a thin-thin, with a soft brush and slowly, these tips can clean the lipstick from the lips attached.

Fourth way: Make a test before purchase
At the time of the purchase lipstick, hendaknyanya do in the first test, a test conducted not on the lips, while less hygienic, if you do the test on 10 lipstick color, shape how your lips!
Make a test lipstick on the hands or fingertips, leave around 10 - 20 minutes, if you feel a rarity as itching, fever and allergic then stop your intention to buy the lipstick.

Fifth way: Drinking water and eating fruit
Dry means there is no water, this could mean shortages of body fluids, then suggested to fill your body with liquids, such as water. In the morning when word got up to drink a glass of water (no need to 8 glasses of direct) and then towards the bed at least 1 cup water. With the more you drink, of course, will be dry stray from your body, because it is continuously in the content of the water course. And if there is more money, what if we try and buy fruit to eat us, of course, such as apples and citrus fruits are good for health lips.

Sixth way: Make special treatment.
If a fifth of the above have not been able to overcome the problem of drought Your lips and broken, it's good you stop temporarily the use of cosmetics lips. Consult your problems to the doctor. Special lip cream generally contain antioxidants that help dampen sunscreen / sunburn.

Bahasa Indonesia

Informasi Kecantikan

Informasi bagaimana mengatasi bibir kering dan pecah-pecah
Bibir lembut salah satu indikator kecantikan wajah. Dapatkan anda bayangkan jika wajah anda berkilauan dalam polesan make up namun yang terlihat pada bibir adalah kering dan pecah (sepertinya lucu aja nih kalau saya membayangkan). Pada umumnya bibir yang pecah dan kering di karenakan kurangnya kelenjar minyak, penggunaan lipstik yang tidak sesuai, sering berada dalam ruangan AC, pengaruh cuaca. Jika semua itu tidak di lakukan pencegahan lebih jauh akan menambah kering dan terasa perih bahkan bisa mengakibatkan berdarah.
Membasahi bibir kering dengan air liur sebenarnya langkah yang keliru, sebab saliva (air liur) akan membuat bibir kehilangan kelembapannya saat bersentuhan. Bagaimana cara mengatasinya :

Cara Pertama : Jangan mengelupaskan kulit
Kadang bibir yang pecah-pecah membuat tangan kita tanpa sengaja mengelupaskan kulit bibir, hal ini akan semakin membuat bibir semakin parah dan membuka luka infeksi. Yang dapat kita lakukan adalah menggunakan handuk kecil, basahi dengan air hangat dan usap pelan-pelan pada kulit yang kering, pada umumnya kulit yang kering dan pecah-pecah akan terlepas dengan sendirinya dengan teknik kompres.

Cara Kedua : Pelumas bibir
Air liur bukanlah pelumas yang disarankan untuk membasahi bibir yang kering, hal ini dapat membuat bibir anda semakin kering. Untuk mengatasinya, selalu anda siapkan Lip balm atau vaseline yang mengandung vitamin E dan C.

Cara Ketiga : Bersihkan bibir anda dengan benar
Setelah selesai melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari, badan memang terasa lelah (kalau gak cape kemungkinan anda adalah seorang robot). Namun jangan lupakan bibir cantik yang sudah diberikan lipstik agak dibersihkan. Anda dapat menggunakan pasta gigi pada bibir dengan tipis-tipis, sikat dengan lembut dan perlahan-lahan, tip ini dapat membersihkan bibir dari lipstik yang menempel.

Cara Keempat : Lakukan tes terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli
Pada saat akan melakukan pembelian lipstik, hendaknyanya di lakukan tes terlebih dahulu, tes yang dilakukan jangan pada bibir, disamping kurang higienis, jika anda melakukan tes lipstik pada 10 warna, bagaimana bentuk bibir anda !!!!
Lakukan tes lipstik pada tangan atau ujung jari, biarkan sekitar 10 - 20 menit, jika anda merasakan suatu keanehan seperti gatal , panas dan alergi maka hentikan niat anda membeli lipstik tersebut.

Cara Kelima : Minum air putih dan makan buah
Kering berarti tidak adanya air, hal ini dapat berarti tubuh mengalami kekurangan cairan, maka di sarankan untuk mengisi tubuh anda dengan cairan, seperti air putih. Pada saat bangun pagi biasakan minum air segelas (tidak perlu sampai 8 gelas langsung) kemudian menjelang tidur minimal 1 gelas air putih. Dengan semakin banyak anda minum, tentunya kering akan menjauh dari tubuh anda, karena secara terus menerus di isi dengan air tentunya. Dan jikalau masih ada uang lebih, apa salahnya jika kita membeli buah-buahan untuk kita makan tentunya seperti buah apel dan jeruk sangat bagus untuk kesehatan bibir.

Cara Keenam : Lakukan perawatan khusus.
Jika kelima cara di atas belum mampu mengatasi masalah kekeringan dan pecah bibir anda, ada baiknya anda menghentikan sementara waktu pemakaian kosmetik bibir. Konsultasikan masalah anda ke dokter. Krim khusus bibir umumnya mengandung antioksidan yang berguna melembabkan sunscreen / sengatan matahari.

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Political Information: Become a Member phenomenon Artists Politics

Indonesia will shortly Instructional party democracy for the election of the president and vice president, of course, this makes the political parties prepared to present the cadres, cadres who have seen the value in the face of the mass, given that the election was conducted in the U.S. is using direct election.
The many artists who are members of legislative (caleg) certainly has a capital for the artist because it is in the know by masyarat.

Indonesia will shortly Instructional party democracy for the election of the president and vice president, of course, this makes the political parties prepared to present the cadres, cadres who have seen the value in the face of the mass, given that the election was conducted in the U.S. is using direct election.
The many artists who are members of legislative (caleg) certainly has a capital for the artist because it is in the know by masyarat.

The popularity of one artist sometimes can be overcome veteran politicians, so why the author says, a popular artist, in general, many artists have been showing in the face of public good in front of the television (not direct) and concerts (direct) and other forms. While popular politicians, because they know the theory behind the table (not direct) and do not interact directly with the masses, visible differences among them, if many politicians appear in public, on the other hand can cause a different sense of self again politicians.

The popularity of popular artists that the capital is high-value, including those of other parties who want to use it, the party does not need to utilize the many ads on TV to explain who they are, not too busy to make a large banner to promote themselves, because the public is often see and recognize them. Their presence in world politics will create the ability to collect a very large mass. The board, which usually have to spend some money to pay for the artist to campaigning for partainya, with the presence of the artist they become members, has the potential to filter the voice of political parties are also large.

Approximately artists who have become caleg, following death, the search for more:
Artist Name year 2009 Party: Regional:
1. H. Anwar Fuady - Iman Sum Party Tuesday I
2. A. Sondakh Democratic Party Central Java VI
3. Eko Patrio Party, PAN East Java VIII
4. Ikang Fauzi Party PAN Banten
5. Denada PPP East Java V
6. Derry Drajat Party, PAN, West Java II
7. Dwi Yanus Tuesday Sum Party Patriot II
8. Andrian Maulana Party PAN Sum Bar II
9. Venna Melinda Democratic Party of East Java VI
10. Marissa Haque Party, PPP, West Java I
11. Party girl widow SH Iman Sum Bar II
12. Hendra Tamala Party PPP West Java X
13. Sanjaya rise Golkar Party West Java I
14. H. Mandra Y.S Party PAN Jakarta
15. Tito Sumarsono Party, PAN, West Java VIII
16. Faith G. Manik Party PMB West Java VII
17. Tere Democratic Party, West Java II
18. Henidar Amr Party PAN Jakarta I
19. Andreas Taulany Party Pdk East Java II
20. Ana Tairas Party Gerindra West Java I
21. Ronni Waluya Party Iman East Java VII
22. Irene Librawati Party PAN Lampung II
23. Hendra Create Party P. R. West Java Nusantara VII
24. Cahyono Party, PAN East Java III
25. Emilia Contessa Party PPP East Java II
26. Jane Shalimar the Democratic Party of East Java II
27. Maylaffaza Wiguna Party PAN Banten III
28. Nurul Qomar Democratic Party, West Java VIII
29. Iman Mutiara Sani Party Kal Bar
30. Jeremy Thomas Golkar Party, I Riau
31. Ita Mustafa Party, PAN Sum Tuesday I
32. Nurul Arifin Golkar Party West Java VII
33. Mara Karma Party, PAN Riau II
34. Jamal Mirdad Party Central Java, I Gerindra
35. Rachel Mariam Party Gerindra West Java II
36. Raslina Rasidin Party PAN Jakarta III
37. Erna Santoso Party Pdk East Java IV
38. Tantowi Yahya Golkar Party Sum Tuesday II
39. Ruhut S. SH Democratic Party Sum Ut III
40. Welcome Asokawati Party PPP Jakarta II
41. Edo Kondologit Party PDIP West Papua
42. Ingrid Kansil Democratic Party IV of West Java
43. Dedi Gumelar Party PDIP Banten I
44. Rico Tampatty Party Patriot III Jakarta
45. Rieke Diah P PDIP Party West Java II
46. Ricky John Prosperous Peace Party Central Java I
47. Marini K.S Party, PAN, West Java V
48. Ratih Sanggarwati Party PPP East Java I
49. Rahman Yacob Party PPP Lampung I
50. Leily Sagita Party PPPI Sum Bar II
51. Popy Maretha Party, PAN, IL I
52. Eka Sapta Party, PAN Riau II
53. Tamara G Prosperous Peace Party Central Java V
54. Steve Immanuel Party Gerindra Sul Tuesday I
55. Wieke Widowati Party Iman I Sum Tuesday
56. SANJAYA Guritno PAN Party Central Java III
57. Tengku Firmansyah Party PKB, West Java I
58. Hj. Tetty Kadi Golkar Party West Java VIII
59. Sony Tulung PDIP Sul tra
60 Primus Yustisio Party, PAN, West Java IX
61. Adji Massaid Democratic Party of East Java II
(Info: Bintang Indonesia)

Compared to the number of artists who enter into caleg members in the year 2004 with 2009, an increase significantly.
Meanwhile, the number of artists than the number of incoming caleg overall with a total of more than 11,512 people around 0.6%.
Party most of the artist as caleg Party, PAN is the artist more than 18 people, apart from the Party, PAN, approximately 1 to 7 persons (see table).

In October last, LSI (Indonesia Survey Institute), which released the official site in their name 10 politicians and 10 questions with the name of the artist as follows:
If members of the House of Representatives in the election held now, who will be selected from 20 the name. Methods used are technical survey of Sabang to Merauke.
In the level of the top 10, seven of them are artists, while the 3 place in the contents of the House of Representatives Chairman Agung Laksono, Chairman of the PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar and famous politicians Pramono Anung.

Here are the results in the can:
Name presentation
Agung Laksono 18.5
Eko Patrio 5.6
Marisa Haque 5.2
Adji Masaid 4.5
Ikang Fauzie 3.4
Muhaimin Iskandar 2.9
Pramono Anung 2.5
Angelina Sondakh 2.4
Dedi Gumelar 2.3
Nurul Arifin 2.2

LSI and the response of the emergence of a phenomenon over the survey results, "Party politics should return to the basic functions, namely to do with the search for political recruitment, which have the capacity caleg good. So, they are experts get a decent place, not closed the possibility of artists who will become members of legislative , Because there are among the artists who show seriousness in the political field. From the shelf above, all of the return to the voters themselves.

Bahasa Indonesia
Informasi Politik : Fenomena Artis Menjadi Anggota Politik

Indonesia sebentar lagi akan mengelar pesta demokrasi untuk pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden, tentunya hal ini lebih membuat para partai politik bersiap-siap untuk menyajikan kader-kader yang di dianggap mempunyai nilai jual di hadapan massa, mengingat pemilihan yang di laksanakan di di Indonesia adalah menggunakan pemilihan langsung.
Banyaknya artis yang menjadi anggota legislatif (caleg) tentunya mempunyai suatu modal tersendiri bagi artis tersebut karena lebih di kenal oleh masyarat.

Kepopuleran seseorang artis kadang-kadang dapat mengalahkan politisi kawakan, mengapa penulis mengatakan demikian, artis yang populer, pada umumnya artis yang telah banyak tampil di muka publik baik di depan televisi (tidak langsung) maupun konser (langsung) dan bentuk lainnya. Sedangkan politisi populer, di kenal karena pemikirannya di belakang meja (tidak langsung) dan tidak langsung berinteraksi dengan massa, terlihat perbedaan di antaranya keduanya, jika politisi banyak tampil di muka umum, di lain pihak dapat menimbulkan arti yang berbeda lagi terhadap diri politisi.

Popularitas artis yang populer merupakan modal yang bernilai tinggi, termasuk bagi mereka sebagai pihak lain yang ingin memanfaatkannya, pihak yang memanfaatkannya tidak perlu banyak mengeluarkan iklan di tv untuk menerangkan siapa mereka, tidak terlalu repot membuat spanduk yang besar untuk mempromosikan diri mereka, karena publik sudah sering melihat dan mengenal mereka. Kehadiran mereka di dunia politik akan membuat kemampuan mengumpulkan massa yang sangat besar. Para dewan pengurus yang biasanya harus mengeluarkan sejumlah uang untuk membayar artis agar berkampanye untuk partainya, dengan kehadiran artis tersebut menjadi anggota mereka, berpotensi menyaring suara untuk partai politik semakin besar pula.

Kira-kira siapa saja artis yang telah menjadi caleg, berikut simak penelusuran lebih jauh :
Nama Artis Tahun 2009 Partai : Daerah :
1. H. Anwar Fuady - Partai Hanura Sum Sel I
2. A. Sondakh Partai Demokrat Jawa Tengah VI
3. Eko Patrio Partai PAN Jawa Timur VIII
4. Ikang Fauzi Partai PAN Banten
5. Denada PPP Jawa Timur V
6. Derry Drajat Partai PAN Jawa Barat II
7. Dwi Yanus Partai Patriot Sum Sel II
8. Andrian Maulana Partai PAN Sum Bar II
9. Venna Melinda Partai Demokrat Jawa Timur VI
10. Marissa Haque Partai PPP Jawa Barat I
11. Gusti Randa SH Partai Hanura Sum Bar II
12. Evie Tamala Partai PPP Jawa Barat X
13. Bangkit Sanjaya Partai Golkar Jawa Barat I
14. H. Mandra Y.S Partai PAN DKI Jakarta
15. Tito Sumarsono Partai PAN Jawa Barat VIII
16. Iman G. Manik Partai PMB Jawa Barat VII
17. Tere Partai Demokrat Jawa Barat II
18. Henidar Amru Partai PAN DKI Jakarta I
19. Andreas Taulany Partai PDK Jawa Timur II
20. Ana Tairas Partai Gerindra Jawa Barat I
21. Ronni Waluya Partai Hanura Jawa Timur VII
22. Irene Librawati Partai PAN Lampung II
23. Hendra Cipta Partai P.R.Nusantara Jawa Barat VII
24. Cahyono Partai PAN Jawa Timur III
25. Emilia Contessa Partai PPP Jawa Timur II
26. Jane Shalimar Partai Demokrat Jawa Timur II
27. Maylaffaza Wiguna Partai PAN Banten III
28. Nurul Qomar Partai Demokrat Jawa Barat VIII
29. Mutiara Sani Partai Hanura Kal Bar
30. Jeremy Thomas Partai Golkar Riau I
31. Ita Mustafa Partai PAN Sum Sel I
32. Nurul Arifin Partai Golkar Jawa Barat VII
33. Mara Karma Partai PAN Riau II
34. Jamal Mirdad Partai Gerindra Jawa Tengah I
35. Rachel Mariam Partai Gerindra Jawa Barat II
36. Raslina Rasidin Partai PAN DKI Jakarta III
37. Erna Santoso Partai PDK Jawa TImur IV
38. Tantowi Yahya Partai Golkar Sum Sel II
39. Ruhut S.SH Partai Demokrat Sum Ut III
40. Okky Asokawati Partai PPP DKI Jakarta II
41. Edo Kondologit Partai PDIP Papua Barat
42. Ingrid Kansil Partai Demokrat Jawa Barat IV
43. Dedi Gumelar Partai PDIP Banten I
44. Rico Tampatty Partai Patriot DKI Jakarta III
45. Rieke Diah P Partai PDIP Jawa Barat II
46. Ricky Johanes Partai Damai Sejahtera Jawa Tengah I
47. Marini K.S Partai PAN Jawa Barat V
48. Ratih Sanggarwati Partai PPP Jawa Timur I
49. Rahman Yacob Partai PPP Lampung I
50. Leily Sagita Partai PPPI Sum Bar II
51. Popy Maretha Partai PAN Lampung I
52. Eka Sapta Partai PAN Riau II
53. Tamara G Partai Damai Sejahtera Jawa Tengah V
54. Steve Imanuel Partai Gerindra Sul Sel I
55. Wieke Widowati Partai Hanura Sum Sel I
56. Wulan Guritno Partai PAN Jawa Tengah III
57. Tengku Firmansyah Partai PKB Jawa Barat I
58. Hj. Tetty Kadi Partai Golkar Jawa Barat VIII
59. Sony Tulung PDIP Sul Tra
60 Primus Yustisio Partai PAN Jawa Barat IX
61. Adji Massaid Partai Demokrat Jawa Timur II
(Info : Bintang Indonesia)

Dibandingkan jumlah artis yang masuk menjadi anggota caleg pada tahun 2004 dengan tahun 2009, adanya peningkatan yang cukup berarti.
Sedangkan jumlah artis yang masuk dibanding jumlah caleg secara keseluruhan dengan total kurang lebih 11.512 orang baru sekitar 0,6%.
Partai yang paling banyak menggunakan artis sebagai caleg adalah Partai PAN dengan artis kurang lebih 18 orang, selain dari Partai PAN kurang lebih 1 sampai 7 orang (lihat tabel).

Pada bulan Oktober lalu, LSI (Lembaga Survei Indonesia) yang dirilis dalam situs resmi mereka menampilkan 10 nama politisi dan 10 nama artis dengan pertanyaan sebagai berikut :
Jika pemilihan anggota DPR di adakan sekarang, siapakah yang akan dipilih dari 20 nama tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik survei dari sabang sampai merauke.
Dalam tingkat 10 besar, tujuh diantaranya adalah artis, sedangkan 3 tempat di isi Ketua DPR Agung Laksono, Ketua PKB Muhaimin Iskandar dan politisi ternama Pramono Anung.

Berikut hasil yang di dapat:
Nama Presentase
Agung Laksono 18,5
Eko Patrio 5,6
Marisa Haque 5,2
Adji Masaid 4,5
Ikang Fauzie 3,4
Muhaimin Iskandar 2,9
Pramono Anung 2,5
Angelina Sondakh 2,4
Dedi Gumelar 2,3
Nurul Arifin 2,2

Lalu tanggapan LSI atas munculnya fenomena hasil survei diatas, "Partai politik sebaiknya kembali ke fungsi dasarnya, yakni melakukan rekrutmen politik dengan mencari caleg yang mempunyai kapasitas bagus. Jadi, mereka memang ahli mendapatkan tempat yang layak, tak tertutup kemungkinan artis yang akan menjadi anggota legislatif, karena ada di antara artis yang menunjukkan keseriusan di bidang politik. Dari paparan diatas, semua tentunya di kembalikan kepada pemilih sendiri.

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Backup software for bloggers you

Sometimes, often because of our creativity and add something to reduce the blog cause damage to the elements of the blog. The author at the time starters want to add columns, which comprises 2 column to 3 column.
To prevent things that we do not want, it looks like we need to membackup all articles and templates that we have made, where if a problem occurs, we can easily return.

Here the software you need to know.

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Leadership Action Triggers

Quality first and most important is the implementation of an action, then the accuracy of the new book, and then ease to do so, then the accuracy of the cost, and the last is the beauty of the implementation of the action.
But experts delaying action is ubiquitous.
And because it does not do that they should do, they would have to do-that they should not do.
That's why many people are reaching that has long been achieved by others.
In fact, each of us is a personal act of super-fast when he met with things or situations that require it to act without delay was thinking.

Quality first and most important is the implementation of an action, then the accuracy of the new book, and then ease to do so, then the accuracy of the cost, and the last is the beauty of the implementation of the action.
But experts delaying action is ubiquitous.
And because it does not do that they should do, they would have to do-that they should not do.
That's why many people are reaching that has long been achieved by others.
In fact, each of us is a personal act of super-fast when he met with things or situations that require it to act without delay was thinking.

Reaction quickly leaders who act when an opportunity is present, can only come from the hold that very hard, or from concerns that the same opportunity may not be available again, or when you do not take this opportunity, other people will use it.
If we are not trained to think quickly in weighing the risks and benefits in the value of acting quickly - in the early opening of an opportunity; we are often trapped in the requirement to immediately leave a job, pay the cost of ketergesaan that, while focusing attention to the possibility of the next opportunity.

There are business leaders who will only act - when he knows there is a problem.
In the second he knows the problem - they do not intentionally, or because a formal process; he immediately explode with drastic measures, which often also very emotional.
Everything you want to undertake, all must be completed yesterday, and he blame everyone - except himself.
However, all those circumstances, also recognize that all the seriousness that will soon pass, because the leaders will soon relax again - because it is membiasa forget and start with knowledge about the problems of business.
When you remember him - he panicked. When he forgot - he relaxed.
Until the very moment he will remember - that is, when the company compensate the owner with someone who has the explosive action that is more sensitive.

The explosive increase is a class of problems.
Small problems that are not resolved, will grow into the fact that it is dangerous and we call as a threat.
So, when we are all more talented to delay resolution of the problem, in fact we all are raising warnings for ourselves and the duties of our leadership.
A leader who does not always let himself be threatened by any and decided to do what is right, what else by the threat came from weakness in the act.

You are planning a large and well - should be easy to make yourself a prelude should be uppermost, to do with the way they should be, and when you have to do.
If you have a plan, but it does not plan to make your
from the tendency was to delay and the fun of it - it means that you must change your plans, or to change your attitude.
If you can not replace the two that will come a time where you who will be replaced - with a personal easily explode because of development plans. Remember it, even though any organization that you led the large and broad berjangkauan - the nature of leadership is to keep your personal leadership.

Marinate dream is also a plan - we are not only able to explain why this so-terpukau hornet to the beauty of shadowing the situation in the future.
If your dream is not coerce you to do your job seriously - even though you are not sure sure that you do will lead you to your dreams; makaAnda are not dreaming.
Remember it, that he was only a dream by kesibukannya disemangati
that can live in the awareness of life's dream.

Explosive action of the highest leadership is sincere accept the task as leaders to bring the difference for the organization that led us, for which we serve customers, and for all the stakeholders of the good that we generate.
When you see something that should be done for the good of the organization and your business, do not you just wait until you become officials; soon do you have to do.
Do good without having to be ordered, is a sign of quality
The actual leadership.

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Pocket Slides: Membuat Presentasi di PDA

One of the connectors from the default Windows Mobile PowerPoint application is only able to read the file presentation. However, we need applications that can also be used to prepare the presentation. There are some applications substitute for a more functional. One is made Conduits Pocket Slides.

One of the connectors from the default Windows Mobile PowerPoint application is only able to read the file presentation. However, we need applications that can also be used to prepare the presentation. There are some applications substitute for a more functional. One is made Conduits Pocket Slides.

With this application we can make a presentation at a PDA with facilities that rival the PC. Presentation that we make in the PC can be in-drag-and-drop to a PDA, and the application will directly mengonversi that we want. Transitions and effects as any Animations. Even we can also include sound files to the presentation. At 2:51 version, there is support for the Windows Mobile 6 and PowerPoint 2007. Want to be shown on the display monitor, Projektor, or TV? But the problem!

* To create a new presentation, type it in New toolbar.

Select a layout that we want in AutoLayouts tab, or slide in the blank tab Blank Slide. Then we make a live presentation as usual.

From the file is open, we can add a new slide with a Edit> New Slide.

* To enter text, the text of the course. We can change the font type, size, color and type of paragraphs in the window. If you are satisfied, do not forget percussion OK.

When trying to enter the multimedia files, usually we will be directed to open the folder where the file is located.

* Setting the display presentation is in the Tools> Set Up Show.

In the General section, we can make it fullscreen, with the possibility of rotating the screen. There are also options to display with VGA output.

Meanwhile, in the Slides, we can determine where the slide will be displayed.

* When the VGA card however, expect to PDAs, or VGA output is activated in the Set Up Show, Pocket Slides will adjust its settings. Changing the character of output VGA cards made from the Tools> Options> VGA output. Here we can set the resolution / VGA output, by default, Pocket Slides automatically adjusts the resolution VGA resolution with a presentation during the conversion.

* The application can also file mengonversi we demand. Open Pocket Slides Conversion in the PC. Select the desired output resolution, and click Next. Enter the name of the file presentation that will be converted, or click on the icon "..." if stored in a place. Click Convert to mengonversi PPT files into CPT (CPT or to the PPT).

* We can also use this application to control the presentation of the remote. Setting it can be set from Tools> Options. Open the General tab, then select the desired option.

Name: Conduits Pocket Slides 2:51
Operating system: Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 2003 (including Second Edition), Pocket PC 2002, Pocket PC 2000, Handheld PC 2000
Price: U.S. $ 39.95

Satu hal yang menyebalkan dari PowerPoint bawaan Windows Mobile adalah aplikasi itu hanya mampu membaca file presentasi. Padahal kita butuh aplikasi yang juga dapat digunakan untuk mengolah presentasi. Ada beberapa aplikasi pengganti yang lebih fungsional. Salah satunya adalah Pocket Slides buatan Conduits.

Dengan aplikasi ini kita dapat membuat presentasi di PDA dengan fasilitas yang menyamai PC. Presentasi yang kita buat di PC pun bisa di-drag-and-drop ke PDA, dan aplikasi akan langsung mengonversi sesuai yang kita inginkan. Efek seperti Transitions dan Animations pun ada. Bahkan kita juga dapat memasukkan file suara ke presentasi. Pada versi 2.51, sudah ada dukungan terhadap Windows Mobile 6 dan PowerPoint 2007. Mau ditampilkan di layar monitor, projektor, atau TV? Gak masalah!

* Untuk membuat presentasi baru, ketik saja New di toolbar.

Pilih layout yang kita inginkan dalam tab AutoLayouts, atau slide kosong dalam tab Blank Slide. Selanjutnya kita tinggal membuat presentasi seperti biasa.

Dari file yang sudah terbuka, kita bisa menambah slide baru dengan mengetik Edit > New Slide.

* Untuk memasukkan teks, ketuk saja kotak teksnya. Kita bisa mengubah jenis font, ukuran, warna sampai tipe paragraf dari dalam jendela tersebut. Jika sudah puas, jangan lupa ketuk OK.

Bila hendak memasukkan file multimedia, biasanya kita akan diarahkan untuk membuka folder tempat file itu berada.

* Pengaturan tampilan presentasi ada di Tools>Set Up Show.

Di bagian General kita bisa membuatnya jadi fullscreen, dengan kemungkinan rotasi layar. Ada juga pilihan untuk menampilkannya dengan VGA Output.

Sementara di bagian Slides, kita dapat menentukan slide mana saja yang akan ditampilkan.

* Ketika kartu VGA dicolok ke PDA, atau VGA Output diaktifkan di Set Up Show, Pocket Slides akan menyesuaikan setting-nya. Pengubahan karakter output kartu VGA dilakukan dari Tools>Options>VGA Output. Di sini kita bisa atur resolusi/output VGA, Secara default, Pocket Slides otomatis menyetel resolusi VGA dengan resolusi presentasi saat konversi.

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Nama : Conduits Pocket Slides 2.51
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Harga : US$39.95

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Ponsel Jam WOW m808 Big Fish

Julukannya Big Fish, which according to us is simply a name. For hours GSM mobile phone is not invited to dive or fish to swim properly. Our Purpose, m808 Big Fish is not waterproof. Perawakannya own large, no different with the previous series (m810 Thunderball, m800, M700 Moonraker), but net of trinkets. Well, perhaps this is the reason why the phone was dijuluki Big Fish.

Julukannya Big Fish, which according to us is simply a name. For hours GSM mobile phone is not invited to dive or fish to swim properly. Our Purpose, m808 Big Fish is not waterproof. Perawakannya own large, no different with the previous series (m810 Thunderball, m800, M700 Moonraker), but net of trinkets. Well, perhaps this is the reason why the phone was dijuluki Big Fish.

From the ability, m808 Big Fish with the same three series predecessor. Can be used to listen to music, enjoy the movie clips, see pictures, play games, record schedule of activities, count, read ebook, and predict health (and weight of menstruation), or used as a stopwatch. For the game, two games have provided, namely Copter and the Puzzle.

, Plays MP3 music is small for the m808 Big Fish. Likewise affairs see the picture that conducted through Image Viewer feature. Picture here not only can be seen, but can also move (forward) to the phone, the m808 to the memory Big Fish. Rename it - although according to our typing letters for the letter via the stylus and virtual keyboard requires training material.

In addition can be seen, copied, deleted (or one by one at a time), a collection of images can also be sorted by name, file type, time, and size. Unfortunately, we can not see all the pictures in thumbnail. Must one by one. Fortunately m808 Big Fish informative enough to tell that the image is seen attending to an image of the picture is.

Movie clip (MP4) also played smoothly at the Big Fish m808 through the facilities Video Player. Menu options are Play, Forward, Rename, Delete, Delete All Files, Sort, and Bluetooth Settings. The last two are still divided into BT and BT Stereo Output Stereo Headset BSH02. Featured Bluetooth is diusung here, which strengthened by the availability of a stereo Bluetooth earphone. Unfortunately, our test unit, Bluetooth earphone, which included not work.

However, through the internal speakers, the sound of Big Fish m808 sounded forceful enough, to caress our ears in a small room. Unfortunately the speakers that it is only one, located in the left side of the unit, making the sound quality is not always sound steady. Actually available some sound effects, such as the Treble and Rock, but according to our securities less than the maximum. However, to reassure yourself, it is bearable.

Of mind, the main function of m808 Big Fish remain as a GSM phone in the shape of a wristwatch with a touch screen. Therefore, do not expect layarnya will display the information if the time is not your SIM card to insert in the slot in the back compartment baterenya. To insert the SIM card, a crowbar out batteries. This is initially quite difficult because the ropes are made from hours of rubber can not be released. However, the long run you will be comfortable to do so.

Because of the previous series, this time the stylus is hidden near the iron lace hours. This position is better than before, because the stylus can be easily revoked, despite memasukannya to return we must play the wrists.


WOW-hour phone m808 Big Fish is brawny and versatile. Can be used bertelepon and have fun. Li-On batteries that disertakannya able to survive 3 hours 42 minutes when ordered, plays MP3 music nonstop on a volume of terkuat through the internal speakers. That we would here is not the availability of external charger, so we must turn to recharge the batteries power the unit. (Wiwiek Juwono)

Plus: Mobile multifunction; two batteries; Bluetooth headset; 4GB of memory.

Minus: Mini Stylus risk up; writing SMS rather troublesome; not waterproof; without an external charger.

Rating Score

Performance: 3.9

Facilities: 4.2

Ease: 4.1

Price: 3.6

Total Score: 3.97


Specifications WOW m808 Big Fish
Phone functions


GSM 850/900/1800


1.8 "TFT touch screen

Phonebook capacity


Standby time (standby)

Not mentioned


Not mentioned

Type of connection

USB 2.0, Bluetooth, GPRS Class 10, WAP 2.0
PMP function

Audio format


Image format


Movie format

MP4, 3GP

Type of memory store

MicroSD Card



Power supply

Li-ion batteries


Not mentioned

Signal-to-noise ratio

Not mentioned


Bluetooth stereo headset (earplug type)

Earphone handsfree (earplug type)

2 Li-ion batteries 3.7 V 600mAh

USB cable (data) 2 head cable outlet (foot-2 and the foot-3)

USB charger to the headset


Warranty card

Dimensions (plt)

5.4 x4, 5x1, 8 cm

Weighting with batteries

82 grams


1 year

Web Site

Price range *

Rp 2,750,000

* TeknoMaster (021) 730-7107.

* Second Sunday in July 2008.

Transfer Speed Test Results



Copy of the disk (write)

0.46 MB / s

Copy to disk (copy)

0.81 MB / s

Delete the file (delete)

28.74 MB / s

*) The file is processed 92 files (MP3, TIF, JPG, PNG, MP4) in 5 folders with a total file size of 3.74 GB. Tests carried out three times on the NEC Versa notebook E680 (Pentium M 1.5 GHz, 256MB RAM, Win XP Pro, USB 2.0), and the results are averaged.

Julukannya Big Fish, yang menurut kami hanyalah sekadar sebuah nama. Sebab ponsel jam GSM ini tidak bisa diajak menyelam atau berenang layaknya ikan. Maksud kami, m808 Big Fish ini tidak waterproof. Perawakannya sendiri besar, tak beda dengan seri-seri sebelumnya (m810 Thunderball, m800, m700 Moonraker), tetapi bersih dari pernak-pernik. Hmm, mungkin inilah alasan mengapa ponsel jam ini dijuluki Big Fish.

Dari sisi kemampuan, m808 Big Fish sama dengan tiga seri pendahulunya. Bisa dipakai mendengarkan musik, menikmati klip film, melihat-lihat gambar/foto, bermain game, mencatat jadwal kegiatan, berhitung, membaca ebook, dan memprediksi kesehatan (bobot dan masa menstruasi), atau difungsikan sebagai stopwatch. Untuk game, sudah disediakan dua game, yakni Copter dan Puzzle.

Memutarkan musik MP3 adalah hal kecil bagi m808 Big Fish. Begitu juga urusan melihat gambar/foto yang dilakukan melalui fitur Image Viewer. Gambar di sini tidak cuma bisa dilihat, tetapi juga boleh dipindahkan (forward) ke telepon, maksudnya ke memori m808 Big Fish. Diganti namanya pun bisa – walaupun menurut kami mengetikkan huruf demi huruf via stylus dan keyboard virtualnya membutuhkan latihan tersendiri.

Selain bisa dilihat, disalin, dihapus (satu per satu atau sekaligus), koleksi gambar juga bisa disortir berdasarkan nama, jenis file, waktu pengambilan, maupun ukuran. Sayangnya, kita tidak bisa melihat semua gambar secara thumbnail. Harus satu per satu. Untungnya m808 Big Fish cukup informatif dengan memberitahukan bahwa gambar yang sedang dilihat merupakan gambar ke sekian dari sekian gambar yang ada.

Klip film (MP4) juga lancar diputar di m808 Big Fish melalui fasilitas Video Player. Pilihan menunya adalah Play, Forward, Rename, Delete, Delete All Files, Sort, dan Bluetooth Settings. Yang terakhir ini masih dibagi dua menjadi BT Stereo Output dan BT Stereo Headset BSH02. Feature Bluetooth memang diusung di sini, yang diperkuat dengan tersedianya sebuah earphone stereo Bluetooth. Sayangnya pada unit uji kami, earphone Bluetooth yang disertakan tidak berfungsi.

Namun melalui speaker internalnya, suara m808 Big Fish terdengar cukup bertenaga, memadai untuk membelai telinga kita yang ada di sebuah ruangan kecil. Sayang speaker-nya yang hanya satu, terletak di sisi kiri unit, membuat kualitas suara tidak selalu terdengar mantap. Sebenarnya tersedia beberapa efek suara, seperti Treble dan Rock, tetapi menurut kami efeknya kurang maksimal. Namun untuk menghibur diri sendiri, memang sudah lumayan.

Tentu perlu diingat, fungsi utama m808 Big Fish tetaplah sebagai sebuah ponsel GSM dalam rupa sebuah jam tangan dengan layar sentuh. Karena itu jangan berharap layarnya akan menampilkan informasi waktu jika kartu SIM tidak Anda sisipkan ke dalam slot di balik kompartemen baterenya. Untuk memasukkan kartu SIM, cungkil dulu keluar batere. Ini awalnya agak sulit karena tali jam yang terbuat dari karet tidak bisa dilepaskan. Namun lama-kelamaan Anda akan terbiasa melakukannya.

Agak berbeda dengan seri-seri sebelumnya, stylus kali ini disembunyikan di dekat besi pengait tali jam. Posisi ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya, karena stylus bisa dengan mudah dicabut, kendati untuk memasukannya kembali kita harus memutar pergelangan tangan.


Ponsel jam WOW m808 Big Fish ini gagah dan serbaguna. Bisa dipakai bertelepon maupun bersenang-senang. Batere Li-On yang disertakannya mampu bertahan 3 jam 42 menit saat diperintahkan memutarkan musik MP3 secara nonstop pada volume terkuat melalui speaker internalnya. Yang kami sayangkan di sini adalah tidak tersedianya charger eksternal sehingga kami harus bergantian mengisi ulang daya batere di unit. (Wiwiek Juwono)

Plus : Ponsel multifungsi; dua batere; Bluetooth headset; memori 4GB.

Minus: Mini stylus beresiko tercecer; menulis SMS agak repot; tidak waterproof; tanpa charger eksternal.

Skor Penilaian

Kinerja : 3,9

Fasilitas : 4,2

Kemudahan : 4,1

Harga : 3,6

Skor Total : 3,97

Spesifikasi WOW m808 Big Fish
Fungsi telepon


GSM 850/900/1800


1,8” TFT touch screen

Kapasitas phonebook


Waktu siaga (standby)

Tidak disebutkan

Waktu bicara

Tidak disebutkan

Tipe koneksi

USB 2.0, Bluetooth, GPRS Class 10, WAP 2.0
Fungsi PMP

Format audio


Format image


Format movie

MP4, 3GP

Tipe memori simpan

Kartu microSD



Power supply

Batere Li-ion


Tidak disebutkan

Signal-to-noise ratio

Tidak disebutkan


· Bluetooth stereo headset (earplug type)

· Earphone handsfree (earplug type)

· 2 batere Li-ion 3,7V 600mAh

· Kabel USB (data) + 2 kepala stopkontak USB (kaki-2 dan kaki-3)

· Kabel charger untuk headset

· Mikropon

· Kartu garansi

Dimensi (plt)

5,4x4,5x1,8 cm

Bobot dengan batere

82 gram


1 tahun

Situs Web

Harga kisaran *

Rp 2.750.000

* TeknoMaster (021) 730-7107.

* Minggu kedua Juli 2008.

Hasil Uji Kecepatan Transfer



Copy dari harddisk (write)


Copy ke harddisk (copy)


Hapus file (delete)


*) File yang diproses adalah 92 file (MP3, TIF, JPG, PNG, MP4) dalam 5 folder dengan ukuran total file 3,74GB. Pengujian dilakukan tiga kali pada notebook NEC Versa E680 (Pentium M 1,5GHz, RAM 256MB, Win XP Pro, USB 2.0), dan hasilnya dirata-ratakan.

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Virus detection from the PC Flash Disk

There is not a virus on your PC can be detected with the virus portable applications that exist in the flash disk (UFD). Useful to secure the UFD from the virus and eradicate the virus.

There is not a virus on your PC can be detected with the virus portable applications that exist in the flash disk (UFD). Useful to secure the UFD from the virus and eradicate the virus.

Computers can be infected with the virus via a USB flash disk (UFD). But, from where the virus originated in the UFD. From the computer that is infected, of course. For example computers in the cafe-cafe. So, also ban the entry of virus into the UFD. How is the computer that would scan dicoloki UFD.
We can run antivirus software that is portable, antivirus software stored UFD in, I need to be installed on the computer to be running. With antivirus software, the computer will be scanned. Well ... indeed, does not take a little time, if apalgi computer files that have very many. But, as indeed it is true in the IT-world comfort with the security measures.
What we need is a portable antivirus software, such as AntivirX, ClamWin, which can be downloaded from We also need to create a file that way automatically when the UFD however, expect. Files that will run antivirus software on the UFD. This is similar to the way the files automatically, which often are on the CD installation program.
Open Notepad and type the command lines below.
Open = antivirus.exe
Action = Open Anti-Virus Portable!
Icon = icon.ico
Label = Your_Name
If you are, store with the name autorun.inf. Not to be TXT files, change the Save as Type to be [all].
The following is a brief explanation about the commands in the file autorun.inf yesterday.
The "Open" is a command to open the antivirus software. Open the command followed by the file to run antivirus software. So, replace "antivirus.exe" in the name of the file it with the antivirus software that is used. For example, the file name antivirusnya "antivirx.exe" the command to "Open = clamwin.exe." Now, if the file is located in another folder, for example, the folder AntivirX 1.0, the command is changed to "Open AntivirX = 1.0-clamwin.exe."
The "Action" useful to show the sentence in the dialog box when the antivirus software will run. Sentences that follow this command can be replaced with other words.
The "Icon" work to change the icons UFD standards that appear in Windows Explorer. Call no special function related to antivirus software, the icon is only beautify it. Of course there must be a file icons UFD also. Name the file in the example "icon.ico" replaced with the name of the file icons used.
Finally, the "label" work o provide the name of the UFD. Same as the "icon", the baseball is also related to the prevention of the entry of the virus business.
Autorun.inf file attributes that made it a "Read-Only" - it can read, can not be changed. If you can not be changed, meaning the virus will not be able to modify the file. How this is the case, right-click the file, then click [Properties]. In the attributes, check on [Read-Only].
The following is the use of the UFD to detect the virus in the computer.
1. Enter the UFD, but do not open the flash disk on the computer. UFD has not been opened, the computer virus will not enter into the flash disk, or vice versa.
2. Run the road automatically by clicking the [OK] button on the dialog box that appears. Antivirus portable on the UFD will be running.
3. Virus scan on the computer, especially in the C:-Windows-system32.
4. If there is antivirus software reported a virus, do not hesitate, the computer is bervirus.
5. Next please clean the computer. If not, no pull only rush however, expect the UFD.

1. Autorun.inf file that will run antivirus software automatically contain lines such as command appears in the picture.
2. When executed, an option appears with the text as entered on the command line "Action". Select it and click the [OK].

Ada tidaknya virus pada PC bisa dideteksi dengan aplikasi virus portabel yang ada di flash disk (UFD). Berguna untuk mengamankan UFD dari virus dan membasmi virus.

Komputer bisa terinfeksi virus lewat USB flash disk (UFD). Tapi, dari mana virus di UFD itu berasal. Dari komputer yang sudah terinfeksi, tentunya. Contohnya komputer-komputer di warnet-warnet. Jadi, cegah juga masuknya virus ke dalam UFD. Caranya adalah dengan memindai komputer yang hendak dicoloki UFD.

Kita bisa menjalankan antivirus yang portable—antivirus yang disimpan di UFD, tak perlu diinstal di komputer untuk bisa berjalan. Dengan antivirus itu, komputer akan dipindai. Hmm... memang, tidak butuh waktu yang sedikit, apalgi kalau komputer memiliki file yang sangat banyak. Tetapi, memang seperti itulah kenyataan dalam dunia TI—kenyamanan berbanding terbalik dengan keamanan.
Yang kita butuhkan adalah antivirus portable, seperti AntivirX, ClamWin yang bisa diunduh dari Kita juga perlu membuat sebuah file yang jalan otomatis ketika UFD dicolok. File itu akan menjalankan antivirus yang ada di UFD. Ini mirip dengan file jalan otomatis yang sering terdapat pada CD instalasi program.
Buka Notepad dan ketikkan baris-baris perintah berikut ini.
Action=Open Anti Virus Portable!
Kalau sudah, simpan dengan nama autorun.inf. Agar tidak jadi file TXT, ubah Save as Type menjadi [All Files].
Berikut ini adalah penjelasan ringkas mengenai perintah-perintah dalam file autorun.inf tadi.
Perintah “Open” adalah perintah untuk membuka antivirus tersebut. Perintah Open diikuti dengan file yang menjalankan antivirus. Jadi, ganti “antivirus.exe” di perintah itu dengan nama file antivirus yang digunakan. Misalnya, nama file antivirusnya “antivirx.exe” maka perintah tersebut menjadi “Open=clamwin.exe”. Nah, kalau file itu berada di dalam folder lain—misalnya folder AntivirX 1.0, perintah itu berubah menjadi “Open=AntivirX 1.0-clamwin.exe”.
Perintah “Action”berguna untuk menampilkan kalimat pada kotak dialog ketika antivirus akan dijalankan. Kalimat yang mengikuti perintah ini boleh diganti dengan kata-kata lain.
Perintah “Icon” berfungsi untuk mengganti ikon standar UFD yang tampil pada Windows Explorer. Enggak ada fungsi khusus yang berkaitan dengan antivirus, ikon itu cuma mempercantik saja. Tentu saja file ikon harus ada juga di UFD. Nama file yang pada contoh “icon.ico” diganti sesuai dengan nama file ikon yang digunakan.
Terakhir, perintah “Label” berfungsi ntuk memberikan nama dari pada UFD. Sama seperti perintah “Icon”, perintah ini juga enggak ada hubungannya dengan usaha pencegahan masuknya virus.
Atribut file autorun.inf itu baiknya dibuat menjadi “Read-Only”--cuma bisa dibaca, tidak bisa diubah-ubah. Kalau tidak bisa diubah, berarti virus tidak akan bisa memodifikasi file tersebut. Caranya begini, klik kanan file itu, lalu klik [Properties]. Pada bagian Attributes, beri tanda centang pada [Read-Only].
Berikut ini adalah penggunaan UFD untuk mendeteksi virus yang ada pada komputer.
1. Masukkan UFD namun jangan membuka flash disk pada komputer. UFD belum dibuka, virus dalam komputer tidak akan masuk ke dalam flash disk atau sebaliknya.
2. Jalankan fungsi jalan otomatis dengan mengklik tombol [OK] pada kotak dialog yang muncul. Antivirus portabel yang ada pada UFD akan berjalan.
3. Scan virus pada komputer, khususnya pada C:-Windows-System32.
4. Kalau ada antivirus melaporkan adanya virus, jangan ragu, komputer itu memang bervirus.
5. Selanjutnya silakan bersihkan komputer itu. Kalau tidak, yah cabut saja buru-buru UFD yang dicolok.
1. File autorun.inf yang akan menjalankan antivirus secara otomatis berisi baris-baris perintah seperti tampak pada gambar.
2. Ketika dijalankan, muncul sebuah pilihan dengan teks seperti yang dimasukkan pada baris perintah “Action”. Pilih itu dan klik [OK].

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IF exceedingly disciplined

Planting of the discipline must be consistent. However, how the children even if not so flexible?

I'm including people who imposed the order in the habit in children. Every home or travel out of play from the outside, children should wash feet, hands and face, and change clothes. Eating and drinking also must use special glass plates and their own. I hope I can instill discipline and good habits that since children are still small.

The problem, I realized without, even in routine was to make my children's baseball so flexible. One morning, I had to help extricate the small clothes before bathing. Because of a hurry, I forget that he is familiar celananya first new release and shirts. Well, that morning, reversed, shirts, but my release. Be he morose and requested be re-shirts. I have described, baseball any open trousers, a shirt, but he still protests and even ngamuk. What can be made, I have to invest my back and then release it appropriate "procedures".

Questions shampoo bath and we also have obstreperous. He was accustomed, a shampoo with soap. If ritualnya behind, he would welcome. Developing countries, making it smell? I am utterly cute, nice if baseball routines that I cultivate that eventually even so my boomerang.


Only problem is I curahkan to a child psychologist. Name, Yelia Early flower, M. Psi., Institute of Applied Psychology UI. In fact, he was not only my children who have such behavior. The reason, some children aged Preschools begin to take control of certain activities that are formed through the process of Introducing. Rigid attitude towards a customs fair happen until around the age of 4 years. "Customs or rituals that rigid is generally associated with the day-to-day activities, such as rituals, food, dress, and bathing. But can also spread the habit of play and set the objects belong," said Yelia.

"Maybe because I'm too solicitous of, say, in applying the routines that?" I ask.

"Indeed, the discipline of parents who are rigid, can be the cause. All routines should be done with certain procedures, both in time and way of implementation. This is a strong form habits in children and adopted by causing the behavior of the annual ritual. Unconsciously, the child is comfortable with his ways are repeated, are routine and predictable. Special attention should be given if after 4 years of age, children are still very rigid in certain ways in the move. If left, he can develop into a personal not flexible in the face of things, "Yelia responsibility.

"There are other reasons not again?" I ask again.

"Usually this is also related to the character of children. Children are led in the character perfeksionis, generally do everything in accordance with the procedures or rituals, and relatively the same stage to get the results of the 'perfect' for him, so that eventually terbentuklah behavior of the rigid rituals in children. "

"Maybe baseball because they want to search bundanya attention of the father?"

"Maybe once, because the children are enjoying the attention from their parents. If that is readily visible because of the occurrence only in certain time only. Ex, when the mother or the father no time for emergency bath, play, and others. For other related patterns think that rigid or rigid and the actions that are repetitive or recurring. Generally experienced by children with the disruption of development, like autisma. Of course this children need special handling for menanggulanginya. "


In fact, the word Yelia, the behavior is reasonable, fair, and not to pester for. "Generally, growing children, the social skills will also be increased, so that the rigid customs of this increasingly reduced and will disappear by itself, without special intervention. Unless the children who are experiencing interference development."

However, further Yelia, does not mean that parents do not need help. "Rigid customs will gradually diminish this only if not get a strengthening of the environment. If parents tend to strengthen a rigid habits, either to leave, always obey the wishes of children, and does not provide an explanation on the child, the rigid customs will appear stronger. "

Disadvantages, rigid posture without the excessive flexibility will be difficult for children in adapting to new things. This is also in menghambatnya interact socially with other people. However, it does not mean inculcate the habit of regularly wrong. Fruits are also positive. Among others, children can develop the discipline and regularity in the act, and be comfortable doing the planning. Furthermore, children can do to anticipate things that might happen. Therefore, parents clever set-pandailah rhythm implementation of the rules and be flexible in time of emergency.

Variations, DONG ...

"If it is late, what should be done, Rachel?" I wonder immediately.

"Parents should be sensitive to the needs of children and characters, this is the first. Sensitive to the needs, identify with, among other reasons that cause children to do such action. Parents should try to understand the character and behavior patterns of children, and Introducing the process that occurred. Then the strives go and not forced to change habits. Support and more consistent attitude that is needed to make children feel more secure, so it can build self-confidence and ultimately action on the ritual will disappear by itself. perfeksionis If the character, then the child should be prepared in the face of all activities , Especially the outside customs. Tell or explain first what will happen or be done by children outside of the habitat, "said Yelia.

In fact, children who are easy to adjust usually not too upset when conducting routine outside the track. In the hurry, no matter if handuknya be reversed, or if assisted Sounds be left in the first usually right. "Children like this can be quickly overcome. In fact, some children seemed happy and interested in the 'new', the" information Yelia.

"However, flexible means not change, sweetie. Flexibility is the ability to adapt quickly to changes that occur," he added immediately. "However, in applying the discipline, parents must remain consistent. If it is not consistent or change could cause confusion and make the child feel uncomfortable. Only in Introducing a consistent selipkan also variations in the rituals that parents can provide in certain moments, moments . Occasionally, they call children while a picnic on the page. But if we do not want children, were forced to do so. Leave him alone while ritualnya continue to be given explanations on the variations of the ritual that he can do. In addition, parents also need to be introspective whether attitudes during this in the application of rigid discipline, or be flexible enough. "

Meanwhile, when the cause is the search for the child care, according to Yelia, parents need to go back again sensitive to the needs of children. In addition to the need to be looking for attention whether it leads to a lack of togetherness with the children, or action is a protest against the implementation of child discipline that parents do. There are good parents, introspection, and the self improve and give appropriate attention to the needs of children.

Now I can breathe free. At least, so I understand why my heart to pieces "sekaku it. Of course I also have to change if I do not want to soon become a truly private rigid.

Dedeh Kurniasih. Illustration Pugoeh


Penanaman disiplin memang harus konsisten. Namun, bagaimana kalau anak malah jadi tak fleksibel?

Saya termasuk orang yang tertib dalam memberlakukan kebiasaan pada anak. Setiap pulang dari bepergian atau habis main dari luar, anak harus cuci kaki, tangan, dan muka, lalu ganti baju. Makan dan minum pun harus menggunakan piring dan gelas khusus milik mereka sendiri. Saya berharap dapat menanamkan disiplin dan kebiasaan yang baik sejak anak masih kecil.

Masalahnya, tanpa saya sadari, rutinitas tersebut ternyata malah membuat anak saya jadi enggak fleksibel. Suatu pagi, pernah saya membantu si kecil melepaskan pakaiannya sebelum mandi. Karena terburu-buru, saya lupa kalau selama ini dia terbiasa melepaskan celananya duluan baru kemudian bajunya. Nah, pagi itu, terbalik, bajunya dulu yang saya lepaskan. Jadilah dia marah-marah dan minta dipakaikan bajunya kembali. Saya sudah jelaskan, enggak apa-apa buka baju dulu baru celana, tapi dia tetap protes dan malah ngamuk. Apa boleh buat, saya terpaksa memakaikan bajunya kembali dan kemudian melepaskannya sesuai "prosedur".

Soal keramas dan mandi pun kami pernah ribut. Ia terbiasa keramas dulu baru pakai sabun. Kalau ritualnya dibalik, dia takkan mau. Pokoknya, jadi merepotkan deh! Saya sama sekali enggak nyangka kalau rutinitas yang saya tanamkan itu akhirnya malah jadi bumerang buat saya.


Masalah ini lantas saya curahkan kepada seorang psikolog anak. Namanya, Yelia Dini Puspita, M.Psi., dari Lembaga Psikologi Terapan UI. Ternyata, menurutnya, bukan anak saya saja yang punya perilaku seperti itu. Alasannya, sebagian anak usia prasekolah mulai menguasai berbagai aktivitas tertentu yang terbentuk melalui proses pembiasaan. Sikap kaku terhadap suatu kebiasaan wajar terjadi sampai usia sekitar 4 tahun. "Kebiasaan atau ritual yang kaku itu umumnya berkaitan dengan aktivitas sehari-hari, seperti ritual makan, berpakaian, dan mandi. Namun juga bisa meluas pada kebiasaan bermain maupun mengatur benda-benda miliknya," kata Yelia.

"Mungkin karena saya terlalu tertib ya, Mbak, dalam menerapkan rutinitas itu?" tanya saya.

"Memang, penerapan disiplin dari orangtua yang bersifat kaku, bisa menjadi penyebabnya. Segala rutinitas harus dilakukan dengan prosedur tertentu, baik dalam waktu maupun cara pelaksanaannya. Hal tersebut membentuk kebiasaan yang kuat pada anak dan diadopsi olehnya sehingga menimbulkan tingkah laku ritual yang kaku pula. Tanpa disadari, anak sudah telanjur nyaman dengan tata cara yang berulang, bersifat rutin, dan dapat diprediksi. Perhatian khusus perlu diberikan jika selewat usia 4 tahun, anak masih sangat kaku pada tata cara tertentu dalam beraktivitas. Kalau dibiarkan, ia dapat berkembang menjadi pribadi yang tidak fleksibel dalam menghadapi berbagai hal," jawab Yelia.

"Ada sebab lainnya lagi tidak?" tanya saya kembali.

"Biasanya hal ini juga berkaitan dengan karakter anak. Anak-anak yang mengarah pada karakter perfeksionis, umumnya melakukan segala sesuatu sesuai dengan prosedur atau ritual dan tahapan yang relatif sama agar mendapatkan hasil yang ‘sempurna’ baginya, sehingga akhirnya terbentuklah tingkah laku ritual yang kaku pada anak."

"Mungkin enggak karena anak ingin cari perhatian ayah bundanya?"

"Mungkin sekali, karena anak sangat menikmati perhatian dari orangtuanya. Kalau yang ini mudah sekali terlihat karena terjadinya hanya di saat-saat tertentu saja. Misal, ketika ibu atau ayahnya ada waktu untuk menemaninya mandi, bermain, dan lainnya. Sebab lainnya berkaitan dengan pola pikir yang rigid atau kaku dan adanya tindakan yang bersifat repetitif atau berulang. Umumnya dialami oleh anak dengan gangguan perkembangan, semisal autisma. Tentu saja anak seperti ini perlu penanganan khusus untuk menanggulanginya."


Sebenarnya, kata Yelia, perilaku tersebut wajar-wajar saja, selama tidak sampai menyusahkan. "Umumnya, semakin bertambah usia anak, maka keterampilan sosialnya juga akan bertambah, sehingga kebiasaan yang kaku ini semakin lama semakin berkurang dan akan menghilang dengan sendirinya tanpa intervensi khusus. Kecuali pada anak yang memang mengalami gangguan perkembangan."

Akan tetapi, lanjut Yelia, bukan berarti orangtua tak perlu membantu. "Kebiasaan kaku ini akan berangsur berkurang hanya bila tidak mendapatkan penguatan dari lingkungan. Jika orangtua justru memperkuat kebiasaan yang kaku tersebut, entah dengan membiarkan, selalu menuruti keinginan anak, maupun tidak memberikan penjelasan pada si anak, maka kebiasaan kaku tersebut akan tampil lebih kuat."

Kerugiannya, sikap kaku yang berlebihan tanpa disertai fleksibilitas akan menyulitkan anak dalam beradaptasi dengan hal-hal baru. Hal ini juga menghambatnya dalam berinteraksi sosial dengan orang lain. Namun, bukan berarti menanamkan kebiasaan secara teratur itu salah. Buah positifnya juga ada. Antara lain, anak dapat mengembangkan disiplin dan keteraturan dalam bertindak, serta terbiasa melakukan perencanaan. Lebih jauh lagi, anak dapat melakukan antisipasi terhadap hal-hal yang mungkin akan terjadi. Karenanya, orangtua pandai-pandailah mengatur ritme penerapan aturan dan bersikap fleksibel di saat-saat darurat.


"Kalau sudah telanjur, apa yang harus dilakukan, Mbak?" tanya saya segera.

"Orangtua harus peka terhadap kebutuhan dan karakter anaknya, ini yang pertama. Peka terhadap kebutuhan, antara lain dengan mengenali alasan yang menyebabkan anak melakukan tindakan tersebut. Orangtua harus berusaha untuk memahami karakter dan pola tingkah laku anak, serta proses pembiasaan yang terjadi. Kemudian berusaha berempati dan tidak memaksanya mengubah kebiasaan. Dukungan serta sikap yang konsisten lebih diperlukan anak agar merasa lebih aman, sehingga dapat membentuk rasa percaya diri dan pada akhirnya tindakan ritual tersebut akan hilang dengan sendirinya. Kalau memang karakternya perfeksionis, maka anak perlu dipersiapkan dalam menghadapi segala aktivitasnya, terutama yang di luar kebiasaan. Beritahukan atau jelaskan terlebih dahulu apa yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan oleh si anak di luar dari kebiasaannya itu," kata Yelia.

Sebetulnya, anak-anak yang memang mudah menyesuaikan diri biasanya tak terlalu terganggu bila melakukan rutinitas di luar jalurnya. Dalam kondisi terburu-buru, tak masalah jika handuknya dipakai terbalik, atau jika dibantu dipakaikan sepatunya sebelah kiri dulu padahal biasanya kanan. "Anak seperti ini dapat dengan cepat mengatasinya. Bahkan, beberapa anak justru merasa senang dan tertarik menghadapi ‘hal baru’ tersebut," lanjut Yelia.

"Namun fleksibel bukan berarti berubah-ubah, lo. Fleksibel adalah kemampuan beradaptasi secara cepat terhadap perubahan yang terjadi," tambahnya segera. "Bagaimanapun, dalam menerapkan disiplin, orangtua harus tetap konsisten. Kalau tidak konsisten atau berubah-ubah justru dapat menimbulkan kebingungan dan membuat anak merasa tidak nyaman. Hanya saja dalam pembiasaan yang konsisten tersebut selipkan juga variasi ritual yang dapat orangtua berikan dalam momen-momen tertentu. Sesekali, ajaklah anak makan sambil piknik di halaman. Tapi kalau anak tidak mau, ya jangan dipaksa. Biarkan saja dia tetap melakukan ritualnya sambil diberikan penjelasan mengenai variasi ritual yang bisa ia lakukan. Selain itu, orangtua juga perlu introspeksi akan sikapnya selama ini apakah dalam penerapan disiplin bersifat kaku ataukah cukup fleksibel."

Sedangkan bila penyebabnya adalah si anak cari perhatian, menurut Yelia, kembali lagi orangtua perlu peka terhadap kebutuhan anak. Selain juga perlu ditelaah apakah cari perhatian tersebut mengarah pada kurangnya kebersamaan dengan anak, atau merupakan aksi protes anak terhadap penerapan disiplin yang dilakukan orangtua. Ada baiknya orangtua melakukan introspeksi, kemudian memperbaiki diri serta memberikan perhatian sesuai dengan kebutuhan anaknya.

Kini saya bisa bernapas lega. Setidaknya, saya jadi paham, mengapa buah hati saya sampai "sekaku" itu. Tentu saja saya juga harus berubah kalau tidak ingin si kecil kelak benar-benar menjadi pribadi yang kaku.

Dedeh Kurniasih. Ilustrasi Pugoeh

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