Healthy skin care tips

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Flek chocolate on hand, and intravenously to appear prominent, can make the hands look older than our actual age. The causes? Lack of attention, because it can be during this time we tersita many faces to the skin. Here is the solution to restore moisture and help overcome the various problems that often occur on the skin of our hands.

Skin berkeriput hands.
During this time we often apply the sun block on the face and the surrounding area. In fact, the hands are part of the body most often exposed to sunlight exposure. According to Mary Lupo, MD, dermatology expert from New Orleans, the sun can damage the collagen, which keeps the order of the skin to remain taut and springy. Layer of fat which is very thin, making the hands look lean and small. So, no wonder if the back hand and visible berkeriput looks dull.

Exact solution: Retinoid, alpha-hydroxy acid, and peptida series is the basic material that is able to help form the collagen and thicken the skin lapiran. Therefore, we actually do not need a special hand cream. "If you face cream containing materials basis, try mengaplikasikannya also on the hands," advice Kimberley Butterwick, MD, dermatology expert from La Jolla, CA.

Do now: "To have the quality of the skin still awake, you should do a spa manicure or scrub," dr suggestions. Tina Wardhani Wisesa, Sp.KK, Clinic of Medika Sakti. Layer of skin cells die, we can make the hands look dull and lusterless. Furthermore, if we want to look more lustrous hand, try to do the technique mikrodermabrasi. Indeed, this technique is to concentrate the face skin, but for certain cases can also be used on hands.

Intravenously clearly visible.
Sometimes we want to use something short, but with the way we were even like "expose" intravenously as seen in the hand. "Reduced fat and collagen in the skin layer, making intravenously clear," said Lee Schulzman, MD, an expert based in New York City.

Exact solution: Try to troubleshoot this with smear concealer on the area of fiber nadinya clearly visible. Alternatively: Divert attention put on the jewelry, like bracelets. Or, paint the nail color application beautifully. In this way and make us look younger and look dynamic.

Do now: Since early, rawatlah fingernail in a way that's correct. "Nail Care a short akan disguise joint of your fingers and a prominent intravenously," said Jan Arnold, founder of Creative Nail Design, a nail care company in the United States.

Flek brown
UV-ray radiation exposure can damage the production of pigment cells called melanocytes. The result? The emergence flek black on the surface of the skin that is not harmonious. For those who frequently fly kendaraannya alone, the number of flek brown hand on the right side more than the left.

Exact solution: Samarkan flek brown enough with the appearance, with a lotion with the active ingredients hydroquinone basis (HQ) of 2%. "Working in the HQ in the melanocytes to produce melanin, the pigment that causes skin color changes," said Mary Lupo, MD. If you want faster results, choose the creams that contain retinol or alpha-hydroxy acid, to help accelerate the work in the HQ to the skin layer.

Do now: We recommend using sun block that contains at least 15 SPF. "Every time you travel, sun block application on the arms and hands," advice dr. Tina.

Dry skin
In line with the age, lubricant layer on the skin of the hands is reduced. Hence, the skin looks dry because of loss of ability to moisten.

Exact solution: After washing hands with soap, should not leave the skin too long to dry hands. Application immediately hand lotion or body lotion. According to dr. Tina, the skin will tend to dry more frequently if we are in the air-conditioned rooms, a bath with warm water, and rarely mengonsumsi water white. Therefore, always provide a hand or body lotion on the desk or in the bag. Application also sun block before beraktivitas outside the room. For, UV ray exposure can disrupt protein production in the skin and create a network so scabby skin.

Do now. When washing clothes, avoid direct interaction between the detergent with the surface of the skin. Do not forget wearing gloves made of soft material. Previously, application of creams to protect the surface of the skin and prevent the occurrence of itching, irritation or itching.

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