Interest in luxury homes is still high in Palembang

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Interest in luxury homes is still high in Palembang

Impact of global crisis that hit as formal and informal sectors such as business does not apply to the property in Jakarta, this is evidenced by increasing demand in the luxury home province of Palembang, South Sumatra. Impact of global economic crisis does not seem to affect the business of housing in the city of Palembang luxury terbukti each developer is able to sell the week 60 to 68 housing units or collect funds of Rp15 billion to Rp20 billion per month from the business.

Most of the buyers are residents of Jakarta and South Sumatra working or doing business entrepreneur and employee owned, with the buyer a period of 10 to 15 years for the expenditure of about 2 million every month.

Compared to year 2008 peminat luxury house is reached where the increase, which means only able to muster the previous funds to Rp10 billion per month. Until April 2009 it was increasing means, up Rp15 billion to Rp20 billion per month.

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