7 The Best Gifts

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7 The Best Gifts

Luke 6:30-36 - Give to everyone who asks you, and do not ask again to the people who take yours. And as you want so that people do to you, Do so also to them. And if you love those who love you, whether jasamu? Because people also love sin people who love them. Because if you do good to those who do good to you, whether self service? People sin do so. And if you lend things to people, because you will expect to receive something from him, whether self service? People sin lend to sinners, that they receive the same back lot. But you, love your enemies and make both to them and with lend not expect a reply, then the reward will be great and you will become children of God the Most High, for He is good to those who do not know to thank you and to those evil . Let your largesse, even as your Father is magnanimous. "

If we love someone, we certainly yearn for fun and make him smile. One way to make them happy and smiling is to give a gift that interesting for him. Below are examples 7 best gift that we can pack to give to ourselves and those we loved.

The first is the best gift to ourselves, in the form of the action itself. A man who loves himself will remove minder taste, arrogant and self-love. He will also draw away from the blame that will perbuatan2 blunt liver nuraninya. People who love themselves will shrink into the body of the drink, drugs, gambling and provide adequate rest for the body.

Second prize to the father, namely the form of respect. When we menyendengkan ear to the advice and warning his father, the best gift for a father who loved us. The father felt that they respected when their children listen to instructions, instructions that diajarkannya life. (4:4 Ams - I taught my father, he said to me: "Let your heart hold my speech; berpeganglah-petunjukku the instructions, and you will live).

Third prize to the mother, namely the form of behavior that make them proud. What makes a mother proud? If we maintain the moral character, be diligent study, a blessing for each other, that will make our mothers proud. Mother will be proud and we rejoiced when other people say to him that he is happy because the mother has a child who is righteous, kind and achievement. (Ams 23:25 - Let your father and your mother rejoiced, let him joy that you give birth).

Gifts to the fourth child, the form of precedent. Isaac is an example of children who grow well because he lived to see the example of Abraham, his father. Study to become a father to a low heart, bertutur sweet words, behave better, to love their mother and faithful guard holiness of life of households. All that is a beautiful gift and for your children.

Fifth prize is intended to friends, namely the form of trust. Needed by someone in all circumstances, is a friend who can be trusted to be the fall-out heart. When we give certainty to people who we loved that we can be trusted, it was a special gift from a friend. (Ams 17:17 - A friend of love every time, and become a brother in difficulty).

Sixth prize is intended to all our relations, that is a sincere form of love. Relationship that we wake up to all the people should be based on a true-love. If we want our relations, whom by the sincere, the kitalah the first time with their loved sincerely. "And as you want so that people do to you, Do so also to them." (Luke 6:31).

Gifts of the seventh to the enemy, namely the form of prayer and forgiveness. Lord Jesus give a beautiful gift of prayer and forgiveness for those who menyalibkanNya (Luke 23:43 a - Jesus said: "O Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.") Meneladani Do you want Jesus to give gifts form of prayer and forgiveness to the person who hit you and hurt the heart?

KATA-KATA Wisely: Giving "gifts" to each other will make life more meaningful and happier.

Source : Renungan harian

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