Overcoming breastfeeding with breast cancer

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In addition to both intellect brain child, breastfeeding can also reduce the risk for breast cancer affected the mother, said dr. Dradjat R. Suardi, breast cancer specialist.

"Mother breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer tekena of 10-15 percent," he said at the ceremony Payudara Cancer Foundation in Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday.

"Fertilizer" cancer is a hormone estrogen in the body. When the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, appear hormone progesterone. Hormone is then increased and protection, so that the hormone estrogen is no longer dominant, he said.

He explains, if the mother breast-feed after giving birth, then there is a period of 27 months for the mother is not the dominant hormone estrogen in the body. The telling, in that time period, the mother is exposed to the risk of breast cancer is reduced.

Although the fertilizer comes from cancer hormone estrogen, does not mean that men avoid the risk of breast cancer.

In the body there are also male hormone estrogen, although not as much as the measure contained in the body of a woman.

"Men also have breast gland, just like women do not develop," he said again.

Exposed to the risk of male breast cancer is equal to 1 percent. Symptoms arising on the man who is exposed to this cancer similar to women, such as the emergence benjolan in breast fluid and out of stalk.

Generally, symptoms of breast cancer in men, more easily recognized than the female.

"If there benjolan on male breast muddah will be more visible, because they do not develop breasts like women," she added.

Source : Antara

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