Endometriosis Make Poor fertility

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Endometriosis Make Poor fertility
Hapa is often painful in connect with such as the Infertility Endometriosis. The woman should at least increase awareness of this painful menstruation secondary, because many occurred in the patch area in the reproductive organs, excessive reaction keradangan so that the process of pregnancy.

Endometriosis is the menstrual blood that is outside the wall of the womb (endometrium network), usually located inside the uterus muscle, egg channel, spread around the ovary in the uterus that is in the stomach wall, or even to a more distant organs such as to the brain, intestine, ureter and so forth.

According to the physician specialists womb, many theories proposed as the cause of the occurrence of endometriosis, but until now, the theory is often held back the flow of menstrual blood, genetic, and immune system and blood flow through.
To find out the existence of endometriosis, the need to review khusus. When a woman is experiencing painful cramps and severe and sustained along with Infertility, or even with the great head aches, coughing or vomiting blood, blood, urine, defecate bleeding, then you should be examined himself to the doctor experts womb.
Endometriosis treatment in principle, is pressing fertility, endometriosis, so the center can turn off in (the body's hormone estrogen).
Endometriosis treatment when this can be done with the GnRH analog.
How to use, injected once a month, average for 6 moon. drugs make this stop use during menstruation, menstrual cycle will usually return to normal in the next month after the medication is stopped.
The medicine price relative expensive .Can also used hormonal drugs such as the drink is the most simple pill to cure KB taken 2 times a day until 4-6 months.
Kb pill does not make dry womb, even the bleeding usually becomes more regular. Usually mild degree of endometriosis is not too difficult, but the fear is that in determining the degree of endometriosis, because to determine the degree of endometriosis should be through the action laparoskopi diagnostic.
Treatment of endometriosis is based on rank.

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