Kapsul Antikanker

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Professor of the University of Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Drs Sukardiman, Spt.M.Sc, creating a capsule "Androma" which is a drug antikanker of herbal (medicinal plants).

In a press conference before the pengukuhan himself as a great teacher to the Unair-375 (27 / 6), he confessed antikanker capsule that has been tested on some animals try to test with the results of a significant 60 percent to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

According to him, the raw material "Androma" real home page on the Sambiloto and turmeric, but people still think twice, so his attempt to create in the form of extract so that people easily consume without feeling bitter.

Accompanied the two great teachers that be with him, namely Prof. Dr. Agung Pranoto, dr, MKes, Sp.PD, K-EMD, and Prof. Dr. Rahmi Jened Parinduri Nasution, SH., MH, he stressed that the capsule is not only ciptaannya drugs work, but also prevention.

Meanwhile, the Division of Teacher Endokrin Metabolik, In Diseases Section, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Unair Surabaya, Prof.. Dr. Agung Pranoto, dr, MKes, Sp.PD, K-EMD, the pregnancy can also cause diabetes.

Diabetes during the pregnancy, he said, can cause a number of risks that Giant Baby (baby giant) with a weight on top of four kilograms, that can endanger the life of the mother during the birth process and cause trauma pregnancy.

According to him, to avoid pregnancy during the disease diabetes, it is important for every prospective mother to do in preparing for early detection before the condition-pregnancy period and during pregnancy, with the course set meal pattern.

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