Prabowa dialogue and face-to-face with hundreds of Chinese entrepreneurs

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Candidates for Vice President PDI-Struggle Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto, fill the second day presidential election campaign opens on Saturday (13 / 6), with the dialogue and face-to-face with hundreds of Chinese entrepreneurs who joined in the Forum Demokrasi Kebangsaan (Fordeka). And face-to-face dialogue held Fordeka Restaurants in Fishers, Ancol, North Jakarta.

Besides the Chinese, a number of members of NGOs affiliated with the Chinese community and the media to speak Mandarin is also a participant dialogue.

Prabowo, who obtained the first dialog turn, batik shirt and beige color nuances marun red. Team members not visible campaign or party petinggi PDI Perjuangan and Gerindra the mendampinginya.

General Chairman of the National Forum for Democracy, Hartono, said, government will invite the cawapres rotate. As a pair with the number one series, Prabowo get the first opportunity. Next weekend and next, and turn Boediono Wiranto will be given the opportunity to dialogue.

"As an NGO, Fordeka want to berdemokrasi and how to show a sense of nationality, and especially in the Chinese context," he said in a speech before the dialogue in progress.

Hartono hope, with the dialogue, will know closer bagaimanan figure cawapres who will be selected. He said that, all the candidates who advanced to the dispute pilpres votes have good quality. Therefore, the Chinese community, said Hartono, will support whoever the candidate is selected. Candidates for Vice President Prabowo Subianto are requested to provide clarification on the May 1998 riot that left wounds for the Chinese community. During his speech at the dialogue and face-to-face with the Forum Demokrasi Kebangsaan (Fordeka) and the Chinese businessman, Chairman of the General Fordeka Hartono said so.

Prabowo is always associated with the unrest in the transition to the New Order period was the reform. "Events in May 98 is up for ethnic Chinese. Harta lost objects, sexual harassment, all that needs to clarified. Because this is controversial so that we get accurate information," said Hartono Prabowo and in front of hundreds of businessmen and the Chinese community in Fishers Restaurant, Ancol, North Jakarta, Saturday (13 / 6).

Requested clarification as that, Prabowo them when the opportunity arrived during the shelf more or less 20 minutes. Former Danjen Kopassus said, when the events in May 1998, called himself served as Kostrad.

"At that time, as Pangkostrad, I supervise 34 battalion. Many accusations, I will be doing the coup d'etat. But until now there is no evidence," says Prabowo.

Prabowo said, as individuals who uphold democracy, it's impossible to do things that are. In this opportunity, Prabowo will also explain the concept of economic democracy that diusungnya Capres with Megawati.

After that, participants are given the opportunity to dialogue directly to ask questions on all things dijanjikannya if the pair was selected as the winner in the upcoming July pilpres.

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