Reinsurance giant Munich Re and Hannover

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Reinsurance giant Munich Re and Hannover Re country colleagues exposed akan claim tens of million euro (U.S. dollars) following a fall of an Air France jet that killed 228 people, the company said Wednesday.

Munich Re, one of the leading providers of insurance for other insurance companies, estimated to cost in the range of a "mid-double digits jutaab U.S. dollars," said a spokesman for Dow Jones Newswires, the amount equivalent to about 35 million euros.

Hannover Re, said the estimated cost of around 25 million euros in connection with the fall of the plane disaster.

Air France will get 67.4 million euros from a loss of insurance overhaul Airbus A330 aircraft which fall in the Atlantic Ocean about 1000 kilometers (600 miles) north-east coast of Brazil on 1 June.

The plane flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris with 228 people carry passengers.

The cause of the disaster - the worst in the history of Air France - is not known, will give the airline the cost of compensation for the victim's family.

Air France is covered by insurance payment for them.

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