BUSINESS INFORMATION - Hong Kong's exports fell 8.6 percent in September

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BUSINESS INFORMATION - Hong Kong's exports fell 8.6 percent in September than the same period last year, the government said Tuesday.

A drop in exports was smaller than in previous months due to back the restoration of regional trade activities.

Total value of shipments reached 225.9 billion out of Hong Kong dollars (29 billion U.S. dollars), according to the Census and Statistics Department said in a statement.

A drop in exports to decline in September near the month of August reached 13.9 percent and down 19.9 percent in July.

The sharpest decline in year on year in the region is for delivery to Malaysia and Singapore, respectively down 24.4 percent and 20.3 percent.

But the decline was prevented by decreasing exports to the United States and England, respectively down 27.8 percent and 22.9 percent.

The value of imports fell 3.1 percent to 255.0 billion dollars in September compared to the same period last year.

During the first nine months of this year, total exports fell 16.2 percent compared to the same period in 2008 due to world financial crisis hit the industry in southern China that became the center of activities, a lot of products shipped through Hong Kong.

Government spokesman said the decline in exports year on year largely explained by the re-restoration of economic activity in Asia.

"Exports to mainland China and several Asian economies show positive growth in a month," he said.

"However, import demand from developed economies remain weak and will be a major source of uncertainty in the future."

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