Artists do not agree Fatwa Haram Facebook

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Artists do not agree Fatwa Haram Facebook

Fatwa discharge unlawful use of social networking site Facebook to make the artists involved berkomentara respond to it the average of states do not agree.

Movies Virgin hero 2, Joanna Alexandra, does not claim to agree with the fatwa unlawful use of the site jejeraing facebook.

"According to me, the fatwa haram (facebook) ngak important, soalnya many positive value of the use of facebook, so I fatwa haram according to the relevant ngak aja," said Joanna Alaxandra, told ANTARA, in one of the Biggest Shopping Center in Bandung, Sunday.

He said that, one of the positive value of the use of social networking site Facebook is able to add a friend from the country.

In fact, through the networking site, the claim itself can meet again with lamannya friend, who has since split bench SMP.

"Gara-gara facebook also, akau can meet what lamaku in the same junior high school," said Joanna who played in the Film School Notes End of Hanung Bramantyo.

Not always considered himself facebook used for things that damage morale.

"If I make a lot of positive time only. We can tetep at intertwine ropes, can be met with temanlama or rarely ketemuan," he said.

Meanwhile, star sinetron Ririn Dwi Aryanti, reluctant to comment on the fatwa haram Facebook.

"I want to follow-up comments ngak problem (Fatwa Haram Facebook)," said Ririn Dwi Aryanti, found that after launching one of the mobile phone brand in Bandung.

The reason for his comments, the problem is reluctant because he felt less berkompeten menanggapai fatwa haram Facebook.

However, after re-asked, surprised to hear him confess fatwa is forbidden.

"Aja surprised the diharamin facebook, but still how many positive values," said Ririn short.

Some time ago, the Savior spoke Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo Nabil Haroen to facebook pemmbahasan in a forum.

The rate, the virtual world interactions facebook assessed into one of the trigger a negative relationship with the opposite type.

This is because all the material that made the conversation via facebokk not controlled and nearly free in progress.

"Some young people use it to talk mojok and maksiat," said Nabil.

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