Can not be self -

Can not be self -

If we see an impression that shows a very smart or sehebat from that we know, they still need other people in addition to them.
There are certain things that we can ask for advice, so that input can avoid mistakes that might occur. All violence, all the brains they have, is because of support from other people.

Proverbs 15:22, "The plan failed when there is no consideration, but if too many advisers"

Sometimes the advice given oelh other people can make us fail and disappointing, to cause trauma, so we will start to take the principles themselves. But we need to know, ask for advice and consideration of other people remain in need.
Any disappointment with the failure and accept the advice people, if you listen and read the words in the conduct of our lives, the advice will not disappoint you.

Proverbs 9:9 "Give people wise advice, then he will be more wise, ajarilah person is correct, then the knowledge ...."

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