Fat and lean body of someone their own differences. There are many things that affect the fat and lean body of a person, gaktor among the descendants of the family, and eating patterns.

However, several sources of information obtained that the genetic influence of the family does not have a large influence compared with the pattern of eating people.
This means: If you come from the descendants of fat or thin, if you use the correct eating patterns can add menggurangi or body weight.

To the family genetic fat, there are some patterns that need to eat your note.

1. Control the desire to eat
The desire to eat someone may arise due to several factors, including internal factors (hunger) and external factors (aroma and taste of food). From two causes someone to eat, there are some people who usually have trouble weight, have problems in controlling the napsu food, food tersaji during a ekternal (aroma and taste), it is always the desire for relief food to eat. Try to reduce the factors above ekternal with little to eat only to satisfy your desires.

2. Reduce forgo food and small.
Eat snacks such as snack food is a pattern that is less good. Eating foods such as a small snack always make you enter a calorie dense food, but poor nutrition and little. Calories in the food contains many small carbohydrate and fat, this will always make your stomach feel less satisfied.

3. Conducting activities and sports

Obesity is excess body weight as a result of hoarding excessive body fat. Everyone needs some body fat to store energy as heat insulator, penyerap shocks and other functions. The average woman has a fat body is more than men. Comparisons between the normal body fat with body weight is around 25-30% in women and 18-23% in men. Women with a body fat of 30% and men with more body fat than 25% considered the Obesity.
Someone who has a weight 20% higher than the value of the middle range of normal body weight is considered to Obesity.
Obesity is classified into 3 groups:

• Obesity light: excess body weight 20-40%
• Obesity are: excess body weight 41-100%
• Obesity weight: excess body weight> 100%.

Obesity weight found the 5% of the people fat. Attention not only to the amount of fat that ditimbun, but also to the landfill body fat. The distribution pattern of body fat in men and women tend to be different. Women tend to pile up lemaknya in pinggul and buttocks, giving a description such as pear fruit. Meanwhile, the men usually store fat around the stomach, so give you a fruit such as apples. But it is not something that is absolutely, sometimes on some men look like pear fruit and a few women look like apple fruit, especially after menopause.
Someone who lemaknya many buried in the stomach may be more easily experience a variety of health problems associated with Obesity. They have a higher risk. Gambaran pear fruit better than the picture apple fruit.

To distinguish the second picture, and has found a way to determine whether someone shaped like fruits such as apple or pear fruit, with the ratio of waist with pinggul. Waist measured at the point of tersempit, while pinggul measured at the point of terlebar; ago waist size divided by the size pinggul. A woman with a waist size of 87.5 cm and 115 cm pinggul size, has a ratio of waist-pinggul of 0.76. Women with a ratio of waist: pinggul more than 0.8 or men with a waist ratio: pinggul more than 1, said shaped apples.
Obesity causes
Scientifically, Obesity caused consume more calories than required by the body. The cause of the occurrence of imbalance between Feed and burning calories is still not clear.

Obesity involves the occurrence of several factors:
• genetic factors. Obesity tends to be derived, so it has a suspected genetic causes. But family members share not only genes, but also food habits and lifestyle, which can encourage the occurrence of Obesity. Often it is difficult to separate the lifestyle factors with genetic factors. Latest research shows that the average genetic factors influence to provide 33% of body weight against someone.
• environmental factors. Gen is an important factor in cases of Obesity, the environment, but also someone who holds a significant role. This behavior, including environmental / lifestyle patterns (eg what is eaten and how many times a person eats and how the activities). One, of course, can not change the pattern genetiknya, but he can change the pattern of eating and activity.
• psychological factors. What is in the mind can affect someone eat habits. Many people who reacted against emosinya with food.
One form of emotional disturbance is a negative perception of themselves. This interference is a serious problem in many young women who suffer Obesity, and can cause excessive awareness about kegemukannya and does not feel comfortable in social association.
There are two abnormal eating pattern that could be a cause of Obesity in the amount of food that is very much (Binge) and eat at night (eating syndrome in the night). Both eating patterns are usually triggered by stress and frustration. Binge similar to bulimia nervosa, where someone in the amount of food very much, the difference in the Binge this is not followed by a spit back what they have eaten. As a result of the calories consumed very much. In the syndrome eat at night, is the reduced appetite in the morning and followed by excessive eating, agitasi and insomnia at night.
• The health. Some diseases can cause Obesity, including:
o Hipotiroidisme
o Cushing syndrome
o Prader-Willi syndrome
o Some of the difference that can cause nerve someone eat a lot.
• Drugs.
Certain drugs (such as a steroid and some anti-depression) can cause additional weight.
• growth factor. The addition of size or number of fat cells (or both) the increased amount of fat stored in the body. Obesity people, especially the fat in childhood, fat cells can have up to 5 times more than the people that normal body weight. The number of fat cells can not be reduced, because the decrease in body weight can only be done by reducing the amount of fat in each cell.
• physical activity. Lack of physical activity is one of the possible causes of the increasing number of major events Obesity in the middle of a prosperous society. Those who do not actively need a little more calories. Someone who tends to consume food rich in fat and not make a balanced physical activity, will experience Obesity.

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