Too much Yang Lost Yahoo Account

(Suara Merdeka Minggu - Rubrik Konek 21 Desember 2008)

SOME time this many internet users to report himself has lost email account Yahoo! and Friendster. Not only the victims of internet users still beginner stage, but also those who already use the internet for many years. What actually happened on the victims of this and how to address them?

In fact the case that is often referred to as phishing is not something new. A few years ago also happened cases tertipunya BCA bank customers against e-banking site BCA very similar to the original. This site uses the Internet address that is almost the same and only one letter different course.
Consequently, the creator of the site is bogus account successfully collect many of those who strayed into the site. Although it eventually was reported by the bank to the BCA for the actions of learning, many owners e-banking account BCA BCA blame for the weakness. But the weakness is not actually located on them.
Source: Suara Merdeka Sunday

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