BUSINESS INFORMATION - Toyota car sales agent, Sulawesi, PT Hadji Kalla product sales target of 9,500 units until the end of the year 2009

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BUSINESS INFORMATION - Toyota car sales agent, Sulawesi, PT Hadji Kalla product sales target of 9,500 units until the end of the year 2009.

Target is 100 units increased more than total sales of all products in 2008 reached the 9400 unit.

Operation Director, PT Hadji Kalla, Hariyadi Kaimuddin in Makassar, Saturday, to explain the July, 2009, achievement of product sales have reached 51.2 percent.

Or up 8.3 points compared to year ago of 42.9 percent in the same except for the South region of North Sulawesi and Gorontalo.

The increase in sales is dominated by the type of Avanza. In addition pasarannya quite affordable price, down payment and low interest rates would trigger increased sales.

The high level of demand on the local market is pushing to order directly to Jakarta. "So many years ago a car that uses this type of plate B," he said.

To meet the market demand on the type of car, perform the additional supply of up to two times compared to last year as much as 600 units.

Other products from the Japanese automotive company also experienced an increase. On the type of Vios sedan for example, the government has sold about 80 units in July. The amount of the sale does not include a car marketed for taxi service.

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