Identify disease Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Did you experience symptoms of redness sign symmetric, rigid, painful and limited joint movement in hand, foot, elbow and neck. Inflammation in the joints, is typical of RA, which may result in damage and loss of joint function that is permanent. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a disease that is a reaction autoimun body's immune system against the body of the network, because of a disruption in normal function of normal immune system that cause the immune system attacks itself jaringat healthy.
RA disease that is usually called by the people as the disease is rheumatism, is one of the forms of joint disease. There are more than 100 types of rheumatism, in which each other symptoms and signs have a nearly similar. So, the doctors still can not ensure 100% rheumatism what type of disease suffered by the patient, because the resemblance is.
In the scope of the community itself there is the myth that all disease is caused by rheumatism Artritis Gout - ie the name of the disease acid strand. While each of the disease rheumatism have specifications different.

Even diseases that RA is also accompanied by other diseases, can cause early death. Because in the case of a more serious illness or who have chronic can attack organs penitng, such as eyes, lungs, and blood vessel.
The characteristics of someone affected by RA if there is a sign of redness that is symmetrical, rigid, painful and limited joint movement in hand, foot, elbow and neck. Inflammation in the joints, is typical of RA, which may result in damage and loss of joint function that is permanent.
Until this time, unknown causes of certain diseases of RA, however there are several factors that can trigger a suspected infected RA, germs and infection, among the genetic factors.
Although this disease can not be cured total, but medical action can be by people of the RA, where it is useful to help reduce the inflammation and joint pain, maximize joint function and prevent deterioration and damage to joints aberration.
Tata characteristic of RA treatment early on can damage the joints. One of the breakthrough treatment that is performed by using the Biologic agents such as Etanercept drug that is biologically capable of catching or preventing a protein in the body, called Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha or TNF Alpha.

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