Recognition Manohara Odelia Pinot

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Manohara Odelia Pinot akan submit claim to divorce her husband, Prince of the Kingdom of Kelantan, Malaysia Tengku Muhammad Fakhry. Mano no longer claim to love the husband who had domestic violence (domestic violence) to himself.

"Yes indeed want to divorce from the past," said a press meet in Manohara Headquarters in Laskar Merah Putih, Jalan Petojo, West Jakarta, Sunday (31/5/2009).

In a press meet that, Mano wear beige dress motif with red flowers combined brown cardigan. Mano accompanied his mother, Daisy Fajarina, Director of Red and White Laksar Eddy wealthy lawyer and mother Manohara team.

Mano told Fakhry does not treat it with the good. He was often treated as property by the husband. "At first I had depression. But if I hurt, I let them win," foreverglo Mano.

Although found in berumahtangga bad fortune, the woman confessed that cheap smile will try to avoid trauma to the men. "If I trauma to the male mean Tengku have killed my life," said Manohara. Manohara Odelia Pinot that is not love her husband again Pangeran Kingdom Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry. Mano does not like the fad Fakhry treat it as a mere toy.

"It is not love. But if it means I hate myself hurt," said a press meet in Manohara Headquarters in Laskar Merah Putih, Jalan Petojo, West Jakarta, Sunday (31/5/2009). Mano is still a question whether or not to love her husband.

Mano told, Fakhry considers himself as a property-treated seenak easy way to do smth. "Create Fakhry, Mano is just like toys. Tengku says, because you my property," said Mano.

Beautiful models that claim to still remember the fear of the husband's abusive treatment. He is now being re-arrange his life so quiet.

In a press meet that, Mano wear beige dress motif with red flowers combined brown cardigan. Mano accompanied his mother, Daisy Fajarina, Director of Red and White Laksar Eddy wealthy lawyer and mother Manohara team. Manohara Odelia Pinot admitted experiencing violence from her husband, Prince of the Kingdom of Kelantan, Malaysia, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry. He also does not claim to be happy in the kingdom of Kelantan.

"He made claim to her husband of violence occurred, both mental and physical. Disilet matter-But we have not a razor blade to the direction there. Discussion not specific," said lawyer Fajarina Daisy, the mother Manohara, Yuli Andre to detikcom Darma, Sunday (25 / 5 / 2009).

According to Yuli Andre, Manohara more pleased to be in Indonesia. Once picked up from Singapore, Manohara akan in Jakarta in a long time. He has not decided to return to the Kingdom of Kelantan, Malaysia, or not.

"What is not clear in the near future. But it's all Manohara, he was eager again or not," said Yuli. Manohara Odelia Pinot justify her husband, Prince Sultanate of Kelantan, Malaysia, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, the action is very despicable to himself. Mano disilet body-razor blade.

"Yes every day. The razor blade, razor blade, sexual violence, other violence. All is true," said Manohara Headquarters in Laskar Merah Putih, Jalan Petojo, West Jakarta, Sunday (31/5/2009).

Mano still experiencing trauma due to violence. He was reluctant to reveal in more detail the husband's cruelty. "All that is still an impact on me," foreverglo Mano.

Source : detiknew

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