Secret of success in the business of Hobbies

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Secret of success in the business of Hobbies

Business consultant and marketing expert, Kafi Kurnia said one of the secret of success is to begin doing something that's become a hobby.

"Because, when we menekuni business that started from something that we love, we automatically keyed in it," he said in the seminar `Entrepreneurship motivation now` get rich in the University campus Nuswantoro Dian Semarang on Monday.

According to him, one need not lose heart when after graduating college does not get a job soon, especially if the value passed from hand to mouth.

"Chance to achieve success in life not necessarily to do with working in a company, is also large," he said.

For, to work in big companies like swimming in the sea which is very broad, because many parties scramble to compete for the position. "So, it takes a fortune to reach the position you want," he said.

Therefore, he continued, do not lose heart when received does not work in the company, because success can only be with the graft and the potential for self-creativity of the optimal.

He also said his graduate study with the value "mepet", so that many large companies that refuse. However, itself does not lose heart, and the only work in a supermarket.

"However, my presence in that place was considered as the` gold `child, because it can develop the potential and creativity that is owned, so that makes me very needed," he said.

He said, make it always involves the supermarket owners themselves in any decision-making, related to the company or at a client meeting.

"I work in a place about four years, and quite a lot of knowledge and tips to develop the business, so I decided to stop working from that place," he said.

He said the decision to stop the work of ditekuninya has been for four years based on the considerations you want to create their own businesses.

"The facilities have been provided by the company, but I have to dare to take risks if you want to succeed," he said.

Add Kafi, itself also had experienced failure in the business, but due to depart from the hobby, then the failure is considered to be the only pebble that can not stop the journey.

In addition, the secret of success in doing business is never to leave innovation. "So, when there are other people who cheat or impersonate the current business ditekuni, we are not easy to despair, but would create something more recent," he said.

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