Kingdom of Kelantan lawyer, did not know menahu arrival beautiful model wife Prince Kingdom of Kelantan

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Model beautiful Manohara Odelia Pinot return to Indonesia. Kingdom of Kelantan lawyer, did not know menahu arrival beautiful model wife Prince Kingdom of Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry it.

"I know enggak," said lawyer Kingdom Kelantan, Todung Mulya Lubis contacted detikcom short time, Sunday (31/5/2009).

Todung even said himself not long maintain communication with the Kingdom of Kelantan.

"I have enggak contact, long-enggak contact with the Palace," he said.

Manohara, this morning arrived in Jakarta at 07.30 WIB. Beautiful model, called the violence-call from the husband was at this time is in the house of his mother, Daisy Fajarina. Manohara Odelia Pinot return to Jakarta without accompanied her husband, Prince of the Kingdom of Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry. Representatives of the Kingdom of Kelantan also no Manohara accompany the return to Indonesia.

"Self. No representation Kingdom Kelantan. He returned to Singapore with her mother," said lawyer Fajarina Daisy, Yuli Andre Darma detikcom when contacted, Sunday (31/5/2009).

Manohara that according to the mother, Daisy Fajarina, experience violence in the household, until the 07.30 o'clock WIB. Manohara Daisy picked up in Singapore. Manohara is now at home in the area of Daisy Slipi, West Jakarta.

Representatives of the Kingdom of Kelantan Dato 'Shah degree, on the previous Tuesday (6/5/2009) ago, promises to reunite Daisy and Manohara in the near future. The meeting promised will be done in Singapore, the Sultan of Kelantan, ayahanda Fakhry treated.

Yuli Andre does not claim to know exactly how the meeting Daisy and Manohara in Singapore. Will meet with Daisy Kingdom Kelantan, Yuli not claim to know. "I do not know exactly. The clear they met at the hotel," said Yuli Andre. Model beautiful Manohara Odelia Pinot arrived in Jakarta this morning. Mano and ibundanya, Daisy Fajarina directly meet the press at the headquarters Laskar Merah Putih.

When leaving the house of his mother, Daisy Fajarina, Slipi in the area, West Jakarta, only the beautiful model wave hands from the car that took him Avanza red.

There is not one word is from the lips glide husband Prince Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry this.

Meet the press at this time in the Mano Markas Laskar Merah Putih in the area Petojo Selatan, Central Jakarta. Dozens of journalists to meet the enthusiasm of the press that the former model. Source: detiknews

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