Team Robot Bandung University Computer

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Team Robot Bandung University Computer into a single representative in the Championship Robogames, San Francisco, USA, 12-15 June 2009. They will go down in the Open class Autonomous Fire Fighting (Auto-Fire) on two student-made robot Unikom.

Robogames is a championship level international robot design. For the year 2009 is estimated as many as 20 countries took part. Participants will compete in 72 classes dipertandingkan.

According Yusrila, participation in team Unikom Robotics Robogames is the first time. After a few times a winner of a robot competition, national and regional level, the Robotics team needs a new challenge. One study from the robot from abroad through international competition.

Some of the championship that had followed DU-114 is a V8 Champion Senior Division I wheeled Smart Robot Competition Indonesia (KCRI) Level II Regional and National level in the year 2008. Next, while 116 had been the champion at the Division I Senior KCRI legged Regional level II. "Not merely win or lose. Was involved with, we want to gain new knowledge and lessons from the other countries, "he said.

About the opportunity win a special class of fire extinguisher, Yusrila say all possibilities are still open. The reason, of the many experiments and improvement, resulting in the satisfactory performance of the robot. Of them, movement sensors, robot speed, to the extinction component. "Our biggest competitors in the class of fire extinguisher is not Europe or North America. China terberat thus become competitors, "he said.

Stevanus According to Akbar, the Next 116, the second application of robots are intended for people living day-to-day, especially in extinguishing the fire. This can be seen from the two designs that deliberately made different. DU-114 six-legged deliberately made to anticipate the possibility of many around the settlements. Whereas DU-114, using the wheel, such as a steel tank, created a robot that can quickly find the location of extinction.

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