Missing from the time Malaysia through Indonesia Border

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Recently, Indonesia perpolitikan back "dimeriahkan" attitude with the debate about the steps that need to be taken against foreign countries, especially Malaysia. This is because some foreign ships of war, including Malaysia repeatedly enter the region such as Indonesia and the Nunukan Ambalat Island, East Kalimantan and around nipah Island, Riau Islands (Kepri).

Various opinions appear, have suggested that Indonesia be firm and some are adopted so that the efforts mengimbau negotiations. What is the motive of the foreign and what's with the islands in the archipelago?

Based on data from the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are 17,504 islands in Indonesia, the 7870 islands of which have names while the other 9634 have not been named. From that amount, the province has the most islands is Kepri with 2408 islands, 1350 islands that have been given the name while the rest of 1058 is not yet known.

However, according to researchers from the Marine Science Institute of Indonesia (LIPI), Prof. Dr. Ono Kurnaen Sumadiharga, most of the islands that are in the area terluar and in a very far distance. "And as many as 92 islands terluar is taken over a foreign party," he said.

In addition to many that have not been uninhabited, the opportunity was taken due to a foreign party 92 islands that rarely, even never visited some government officials. He cite some of the islands in the eastern island of Biak, Papua Province is located very far away and seldom visited.

Likewise with a few small islands in the vicinity of the Natuna Islands, which does not place the Kepri and rarely visited. "If not (secured) immediately, the fate of 92 islands with the same akan (Island) Sipadan and Ligitan," said Ono.

Teachers oseanografi large areas of the University of Indonesia (UI) and Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) that is added, there is also the island is inhabited, but still claimed to have the opportunity to become a foreign country they belong to.
For example, he said, there are several islands in the Sangihe regency, North Sulawesi many of the people who speak Tagalog, the official language and the Philippine currency of neighboring countries, Peso.

If not disikapi with the right and wise, is not likely happen things that are not desired in the island.

So "incaran"

Condition that the location is very remote, uninhabited and not rarely visited estimated that many islands in Indonesia to foreign incaran party. Two of them, Pulau Sipadan and Ligitan are the hands to move to Malaysia.

According to Prof. Ono Kurnaen Sumadiharga, how many of the foreigners go to try to occupy the islands terluar it. One of them, through the foreign fishermen who steal fish and use the islands as a place to stay.

"After that, foreign fishermen, the fishermen drive the national flag and their own part of the country," said Ono. Under these conditions, many of which demanded the Indonesian government to act firmly against foreign ships, including Malaysia.

Former member of House Commission I, Permadi never ask the government, in this case the military to shoot or hit foreign ships like Malaysia and Singapore to enter the territory of the sovereignty of Indonesia. However, the former Ambassador of Indonesia to Malaysia and Singapore, Letjen TNI (Purn) Rais Abin recommend that this matter be resolved through ASEAN.

According to him, Indonesia began to exploit and less empower ASEAN to address regional issues, such as the entrance boat to neighboring countries national waters. As a result, problems that often appear as it does not get resolved and occur again in the future.

In fact, ASEAN leaders were deliberately countries in Southeast Asia so that the past can become a venue for discussion and deliberation complete problems that may appear among the countries in the region.
ASEAN also established with the goal that countries in Southeast Asia can respect each other and work together for progress.

"To have ASEAN that what can not be problems like that. Why have ASEAN also if not mutual respect," he said. Rais Abin is also General Chairman of the legion of Veterans Affairs also mengimbau government of Indonesia does not need to be reactive, such as to exert military gun ships that can be foreign menyulut war.

Indeed, he said, the military can not ditawar again as a security guard and the sovereignty of Indonesia, but must be cooked to think if menyulut war. "Nggak we are able to (fight)," he said. Opinion that was also almost the same observer International Relations, Bantarto Bandoro of mengimbau that Indonesia does not terpancing with what is done by sending some of the Malaysian patrol boats to the national, especially Ambalat.

"I think they only test the readiness of Indonesia to secure Ambalat. During this Indonesia less react if mencuat this case," he said.
However, Permadi may not concur with the Rais Abin. Politicians from the PDI Perjuangan acknowledge that if the weapons the military equipment of Singapore and Malaysia are strong but not as daring prajuritnya military personnel.

Prof. Ono said, the condition can be overcome with care, such as how to put the Navy personnel on the islands is terluar. If the poor, the government can work together with the private sector so that the islands are used as tourist attractions made.

When there is activity on the islands terluar that, then any party does not dare to do other activities, especially when mengklaimnya as belonging to them. The government can also enter the foreign party to manage the islands. "But first there must be agreement that does not disadvantage Australia in everything," he said

Rais also said Abin, permasalah arose recently due to lack of communication between officials of Indonesia and Malaysia. "Unlike the first, official relations Indonesia-Malaysia is very familiar because of frequent communication. All issues are to be easy," said Abin is also a former Secretary General of Non KTT block it.

Previously, he said, kinship relations between Indonesia-Malaysia officials are very good as they often communicate, either formally like any informally. This is the official is familiar with the Malaysian authorities at that time, such as Mahathir Mohammad, Datuk Musa Hitam and Anwar Ibrahim.

Effect, all matters with the Malaysian government to be very easy, whether the migrant workers also want the border region. "If there is a problem, I lift the phone and call Datuk Musa Hitam or Anwar Ibrahim, it is all finished," said a senior diplomat who was called the UN Peace Force.

Source : http://internasional.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/05/31/04270331/Yang.Hilang.dari.Indonesia.Saat.Malaysia.Terobos.Perbatasan

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2 komentar:

Yudie mengatakan...

Pemerintah Indonesia harus lebih aktif dalam memperhatikan kedaulatan wilayahnya... dan harus ada perundingan intensif dengan pemerintah Malaysia dalam hal perbatasan wilayah.
Nice post bro...

Sarbini mengatakan...

Ya betul Indonesia harus lebih tegas & lebih berani, kalo lewat jalur perundingan dan diplomatik sudah dilakukan dab kalo itu memang secara de facto & de jure masuk wilayah NKRI berarti Malaysia secara ilegal melanggar batas wilayah NKRI, Indonesia harus menghentikan pelanggaran tersebut sebagai sok terapi agar kedepan tidak terulang kembali. salam sukses.

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