Get Pregnancy Myths Men or Women

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There are many myths circulating about the pregnancy. Although the origin is not clear-usulnya, just a lot of people still believe that all these myths. Believe it or not, is entirely your right!

1. Physical changes pregnant women
* If pregnant women prefer to lie on the left side, he later akan pet baby boys. Meanwhile, when more often lie in italics to the right, likely a female baby.
* If you experience nausea, vomiting during pregnancy in the great, the baby girls. If not, surely the baby boys.
* If your skin feels dry hands, it means that the baby boys. Meanwhile, when the skin has changed so soft, the baby is born surely women.
* If ngidam orange, meaning women will fondle the baby.
* When the broken skin of the body, it means that women will have babies.
* If you always feel grateful for the pregnancy, the women will have momongan. Conversely, when the always nervous and anxious, the male baby to be born.
* If the face looks pregnant women appear to contain more, it means that the baby girls.
* Crazy in the food-salty salty? Be prepared to get a baby male. Ngidam food-sweet, sweet? Means that the baby will be born is female.
* If the right breast is larger than the left breast, that means the baby was female. Conversely, when the left breast is bigger, the baby later men.
* Very easy to change the feelings of extreme? Baby can Berharaplah women.

2. The form of pregnant women belly
* If the position of the baby shown in the bottom, most likely the baby boys. However, if the stomach seems high, so the baby can be born that perempuanlah.
* When the stomach to stand out in the future, this means that the baby boys. Meanwhile, when the big bellies evenly, surely women.

3. Necklace and the pendulum
* Juntaikan necklace with a pendulum above the hands, note gerakannya. When moving to the front and back means that the baby male, whereas if gerakannya women formed a circle means.
* How do you show your hands to other people? Palm facing up? Sure the baby girls, while when the hands point to the bottom means that the baby boys.
* Hang a ring or necklace chain on the stomach. When gerakannya back to the front of the means and men, whereas when the circular shape means that the women's movement.
* If you have any kid men who are interested to see your belly bulge means that the Si in the stomach Small diversiform sex women. Conversely, if the kid man show earlier indifference means that you will give birth male baby.
* Guess perhaps fetus gender can also be done with eating garlic. When aromanya merebak to the pore-pore means that the baby man. However, when aromanya not mean the baby tercium women.
* If you prefer a lock be rounded, the fetus will be born diversiform sex with men. Meanwhile, when the taper end, perempuanlah the baby will be born.

4. Other signs
* If you tap the heart of fetus more than 150 times per minute which means that the baby will be born is female. Meanwhile, when hitungannya less than 150 means that the baby boys.
* Peluang terbentuknya sex boys with the same amount of time when the daughter of a draft, the husband and wife in the head and without stress.
* When you get a dream for pregnant women, babies, you will get a baby male. The same happens vice versa.


Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!
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