Origin of the Pig Fever, Coughing and Depression

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Pig Flu Case
Origin of the Pig Fever, Coughing and Depression

"Pemicunya almost similar to bird flu. Being from the animals fever, cough and depression," said Director General of Penanggulangan Penyehatan Diseases and Environment (P2PL) Tjandra Yoga in Makassar, Saturday (25/4/2009) the night. Cases of death due to swine flu electrify the world. What actually triggered the virus is also known by the name Schwein Influenza Virus (SIV).
This virus spreads very fast. Since the first case found in March, the findings have been cases that have spread from human to human.

"These include cases of 8 patients in the United States, have been human to human due to the cluster 3," he explained. Health officials are not yet a global broadcast of a pandemic. However, they began to increase vigilance. This is called flu-is a combination between a human flu, bird flu, and swine flu.

Tjandra but affirmed, the virus is different from the type of bird flu. If the H5N1 bird flu bertipe, the swine flu H1N1.

"H1N1 is similar to ordinary flu experienced people," he added.

Flu has killed more than 60 people in Mexico. Similar spread of flu in the United States and 8 infect people. But the eighth man was successfully cured.

Diliburkan schools and public events in Mexico City was canceled because of flu is spread. The estimated 1,000 people have been infected.


Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!
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