Do we have to do the best for children

Bu, hungry!, Badger small children who are in pangkuannya. The woman stared with gentle children. Heart-felt chipped slices. Does gubug ramshackle place to live, no food at all remaining. Only there is water remaining in the vessel above the table land. Jar of diraihnya slowly and stretch out the land to the mouth of children kucunya merely wayangnya. The children try to gulp three times eliminate hunger by drinking water.
Children stared at the small face with a full sense of his mother, I feel as if you want to say thank you very deep. Small hands reach above the water limpid eyes the exit from the lid of his mother.

Why mothers crying, ask the child gently.

Women in the long haul breath, thinking he may not explain what is deems this to small children. This is about the burden that life is very heavy, even he always tried hard against all the limitations that he owned.

Why do nothing, my dear, sleep alone anymore! , Said the seemingly gentle women want to create peace in the hearts of children.

The children stared in the direction of his mother's eyes, as if trying to find out the reason why his mother weeping.
I know very heavy burden of mothers, the children celetuk plain that his mother is in a bit.
I know with all the limitations of the mother, mother always tried to meeting all kebutuhanku. Mother workers wash, sometimes mothers gathered the remnants waste to be sold again. I know that all mothers do so I can eat, a small child is berceloteh continue to make her mother proud.

But the mother can not menyekolahkanmu son! , Replied the mother with full repentance.

My mother! , Said while the rise from sleep. Placed both hands on his mother's lap as if you want to give strength to those who most dicintainya.
Mother menyekolahkanku not, but every night the mother mengajariku read, count, or knowledge-knowledge of the new paper from recycled newspaper that we collect. The day I understand more about the new sciences, may be even more distant from friends sebayaku, answer the children's honorable and proud.

Yes, but I'm not able to menyekolahkanmu in elementary school in our village. Try if the mother is able to then later you can have a certification to continue to higher schools and the'll better, the mother said while feeling as if bent too has complained to the child.

The small children to shift duduknya right before the mother. He is very sweet smile, dipijatnya feet didepannya women. A woman was beautiful, but visibly older than the actual age, let alone his own life must sepeninggal her husband.

My mother, with all the mothers be mothers have to provide the best for the CIA. I am grateful because I get limpahan that no counterpart. Mother always mengajariku all that I should know. Mother is always there when I need it. I really want at the elementary school in our village, but I would love to get it for this. I want to live been abundant, such as children sebayaku small, but the more I want to live disampingmu because I always get the affluent ruah affection that I need for this. .

While each faces, young children, continue accelerate it, like, I love to be the same, the sincerity to realize love is far more important than a menyamakannya life with other people.

Dipeluknya woman with a loving, sleep ahead again, the mother must rest, tomorrow we promise six half-hour at home I have to wash clothes Hadi

A small child that the blanket kumalnya to the chest. Leaving the woman berurai tears. But this time not because of sadness society, precisely because that is in gratitude because God sends angels to assist small and strengthen his life.

For child-beloved son of Jacob - Valentine

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