TB disease

TB disease can attack anyone (old, young, male, female, poor or rich) and wherever. Each year, Indonesia increased by a quarter million new TB cases and approximately 140,000 deaths occur each year are caused by TB. Moreover, Indonesia is the country's third biggest problem with TB in the world.

TB prevalence survey conducted in six provinces in the years 1983-1993 shows that the prevalence of TB in India ranges from 0.2 to 0.65%. Meanwhile, according to the Global TB Countermeasures report issued by WHO in 2004, the number of TB incidence in 2002 reached 555,000 cases (256 kasus/100.000 population), and 46% are new cases is estimated.
The disease causes TB

TB disease is an infectious disease caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberkulosa. This stems shaped bacteria and acid-resistant, so also known as the Trunk Hold acid (BTA). This bacteria was first discovered by Robert Koch on 24 March 1882, to honor the services so that the bacteria is given the name of Koch bacillus. Moreover, TB disease in the lungs sometimes referred to as the Koch Pulmonum (KP).

Bacteria Mikobakterium tuberkulosa
How TB Disease Transmission

TB disease is usually transmitted through the air contaminated with the bacteria Mikobakterium tuberkulosa which is released when the TB patient coughs, and the children are generally the source of infection came from people with TB adults. When these bacteria enter and often collected in the lungs will breed a lot (especially in people with the power of low body), and can be spread through blood or lymph glands. Considering that TB infection can menginfeksi almost all organs such as lungs, brain, kidney, alimentary tract, bones, lymph glands, and others, however organs most often affected the lungs.

When Mikobakterium tuberkulosa successfully menginfeksi lungs, it will soon grow colonies of bacteria, globular shape (round). Usually through a series of reactions imunologis TB bacteria are hampered this will work through the establishment of the wall around the bacteria cells by the lungs. The establishment of mechanisms that make the walls surrounding the network in a network of scars and the TB bacteria will become dormant (resting). Dormant forms is actually seen as a tubercle on the inspection images X-rays.

In some people with good immune system, this form will remain dormant throughout his life. Meanwhile, in people with immune system less, these bacteria will grow tubercle so perkembangbiakan many. Tubercle, which is a lot of space in the lungs. This is the space that later became the source of production of sputum (phlegm). Someone who has been able to produce sputum are estimated to have excess growth of tubercle positive and infected with TB.

The increasing spread of HIV infection have been reported at this time, many linked with several conditions, among other high socio-economic condition, not optimizing public health service facilities, increasing the number of residents who do not have a place to live and the epidemic of HIV infection. Besides durability of the body is weak / decreased, the number of germs and virulensi factors that play an important role in the occurrence of TB infection.
Symptoms of TB disease

Symptoms of TB disease can be divided into general symptoms and specific symptoms that arise in accordance with the organs involved. The clinical picture is not too typical, especially in the new cases, so it is quite difficult to enforce in a clinic diagnosis.
Symptoms of systemic / general

* Fever is not too high that lasts a long time, usually perceived to be accompanied by a night sweat night. Sometimes the attacks, such as fever, influenza and lost arise.
* The decrease in appetite and body weight.
* Vulnerable-cough for more than 3 weeks (can be accompanied by blood).
* The malaise (malaise), weak.

Symptoms special

* Depending on which of the organs affected, if there sumbatan part bronkus (the channel leading to the lungs) due to the emphasis the lymph glands swell, will raise the voice "on", the sound of breath weakened by the throng.
* If there is liquid dirongga pleura (wrapping lungs), can be accompanied by chest pain complaints.
* If the bone, there will be symptoms of infection, such as bone at a time can form a channel and empty on the skin above, in the estuary will exit the liquid pus.
* In children can be on the brain (the layer wrapping the brain) and referred to as meningitis (inflammation brain membrane), the symptoms are high fever, a decline in awareness and even.

In patients that do not cause symptoms, TB can be detected if there is contact with adult TB patients. Approximately 30-50% of children of the adult lungs, TB test results tuberkulin positive. In children aged 3 months - 5 years old who live with a houseful of people with TB lungs with BTA positive, 30% reported being infected by serologic / blood.
Enforcement diagnosis

If the suspected person infected with TB disease, then several things that need to be done to enforce the diagnosis is:

* Anamnesa against both the patients and their families.
* Physical examination.
* Laboratory examination (blood, sputum, brain fluid).
* Inspection pathological anatomy (PA).
* Chest X-rays (Thorax photo).
* Test tuberkulin.

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