Tuberculosis (TB) can attack various organs of the body but that will be discussed is the TB drugs to the lungs. TB treatment goal is to destroy tuberculosis bacillus quickly and prevent recurrence. Ideally treatment with TB drugs can lead to negative sputum examination in both the test and sputum culture bacteria and the results remain negative forever.

Drugs used for TB are classified in two groups, namely:

* Medicine for primary: DOT (isoniazid), Rifampisin, Etambutol, streptomycin, Pirazinamid.
Shows the effectiveness with a high toksisitas that can be tolerated, most people can be cured with these medicines.
* Drugs secondary: Exionamid, Paraaminosalisilat, Sikloserin, Amikasin, Kapreomisin and Kanamisin.

However, the TB treatment lungs almost always use three drugs, namely DOT, rifampisin and pirazinamid during the first month there was no resistance to one or more of these primary TB drugs.

Isoniazid or isonikotinil hidrazid the abbreviated with the DOT. Isoniazid in vitro in a tuberkulostatik (holding the development of bacteria) and tuberkulosid (kill bacteria).

Working mechanisms isoniazid have effects on fat, biosintesis acid nukleat, and glikolisis. The main effect is to impede biosintesis acid mikolat (mycolic acid) is an important element of the cell wall mikobakterium. Isoniazid impoverish acid-resistant and reduce the amount of fat that terekstrasi by metanol from mikobakterium.

Isoniazid easy diabsorpsi on the oral and parenteral. Peak rate obtained in 1-2 hours after the oral. In the liver, isoniazid and asetilasi to speed on the human metabolism is influenced by genetic factors that affect a meaningful rate of drugs in plasma. However, these differences did not affect the effectiveness and toksisitas isoniazidbila or drug is given every day.
Side effects

Nausea, vomiting, anoreksia, weary, malaise, weakness, other digestive channel interference, peripheral neuritis, neuritis optikus, Hypersensitivity reactions, fever, rash, ikterus, diskrasia blood, psikosis, cramps, headache, sleepy, dizziness, dry mouth, interference BAK, the lack of vitamins B6, pellara disease, hiperglikemia, asidosis metabolik, ginekomastia, rheumatic symptoms, symptoms similar Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Resistance is still the problems and challenges. TB treatment is done with some combination of drugs because of the use of single drugs will be fast and easy resistance occurs. In addition, resistance occurred due to lack of patient adherence to medication in the drink. Time is long enough therapy that is between 6-9 months, so many patients who are not obedient to drink obatselama therapy.

Isoniazid is a drug that is still very important to treat all types of TB. Side effects can cause anemia, so also is recommended to consume vitamins such as the addition of blood piridoksin (vitamin B6).

TB vit B6 already contains isoniazid and vitamin B6 in a thin, so the only practical to drink only once. TB vit B6 is available in several packages to ease the patients when given to children in accordance with the dose needed. TB Vit B6 available in the form of:

1. Tablet
DOT contains 400 mg of Vit B6 and 24 mg per tablet
2. Syrup
DOT contains 100 mg of Vit B6 and 10 mg per 5 ml, which is available in 2 packages:
* Syrup 125 ml
* Syrup 250 ml


* TB Drugs in drinking by prescription and must be in accordance with the dose.
* Termination of TB drugs must be done by permission of the doctor.
Info : http://www.medicastore.com/tbc/obat_tbc.htm

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