Food that I life

Healthy life is one of the key long. To live healthy, we certainly need good nutrition and healthy also. This is some type of food which claimed that make life and remain healthy.

1. Olive oil
Four decades ago, researchers from the Seven Coutries Study concluded that no saturated fat with a single chain (monounsaturated) in olive oil is widely beneficial to the risk of heart disease and cancer in Crete in the Greek Islands. Now people also have many yahu that olive oil contains Polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that can prevent the type of disease due to aging.

2. Yoghurt
In the era of the 1970s, the region of Georgia have dikabarkan of the population aged an average of over 100 years more than the other countries. Reports at the time claimed that the secret of long life, which is yogurt. Although the strength in the yogurt to extend the age has never been proved directly, yogurt is a calcium-rich foods that can prevent osteoporosis. In addition, yogurt also contains bacteria that maintain good digestive health and reduce the risk of bowel disease associated with age.

3. Fish
Thirty years ago, experts began to examine why the native Alaska (Inuit) can be freed from heart disease. The reason, according to estimates by experts, the level of consumption of fish is remarkable. Indeed many fish contain Omega-3 fats, which can help lower cholesterol and blood vessels in the stoppage and prevent heart rhythm rocker.

4. Brown
Kuna community in the San Blas Islands, Panama, noted the risk of heart disease have a lower up to nine times in the appeal that other residents living in Panama. The reason? There Residents diligent drink once a rich Cocoa flavanols, antioxidants that can help accelerate blood circulation. Maintaining blood vessel health means that the risks high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and demensia.

5. Nuts
Research conducted by groups of Seventh-Day Adventists (who apply the flow of Christian living and healthy vegetarian diet) show that someone who eat nuts have an average age of two and a half long years. Peanut known rich will not saturated fat, so this food offer benefits similar to olive oil. Nuts also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytochemical substances, including antioxidants.

6. Wine
Drinking alcohol in moderate amount claimed can protect from heart disease, diabetes and senility. Many types of alcoholic beverages that can bring benefits, but many research memfokuskanya in red wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, substances which is estimated to bring the various benefits.

7. Blueberry
In a research published in 1999, researchers from the Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center provides on rodents Blueberry extracts. Giving extracts given during this period of life of mice with the equivalent of 10 years of human life. Mice given the extract shows its superiority instead of normal mice when the test balance and coordination when they reach old age. Blueberry in the womb (and other berry) can reduce the inflammation is suspected (inflammation) and kerusahan are oksidatif, which is associated with a decrease in the power and ability to remember the motor when the information age.

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