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Have raised a cat is so natural in the middle of society, but even without considering the to clean can be dangerous because the cat carrier toxoplasma dirt can result in its autumn maternal womb.

"Toxoplasma is a kind of protozoa that can spread from human to cat faeces or other animal," said the Head Office `Agriculture Quarantine Tanjung Balai Karimun (TBK), Kepulauan Riau, drh Yoeyoen Marrahayoeni, in TBK, Monday.

Animal quarantine experts said, a cat who fell ill toxoplasmosis akan spent millions of eggs (ookista) toxoplasma through its feces. Ookista in cat feces that dry out can fly be blown in the wind and stick to certain places.

He says, a cat carrier toxoplasma only cat sick after eat rats, birds, meat or other raw blackened the parasite toxoplasma gondii (a kind of protozoa or animals bersel one), children can also be a cat since birth from an infected mother.

"The way it spread in humans can through plasenta fetus in pregnant women who in the uterus to its or spread directly due to the ootista accidentally eaten accidentally or indirectly because of meat eating animals such as cows, goats and other infected if not cooked perfectly," he said.

Ookista infectious in humans who changed the form of a cyst that is able to "be imprisoned" in the body of the network, if the pregnant women contracting can lead to miscarriage or defects in the fetus, such as Hydrocephalus (so the baby's head up and contain the liquid), microcephali (baby brain off) , and many more are likely related to the brain nerve, he said.

Someone who is not a contagious disease can only be experienced for those who keep a cat, but other people can hit, so that efforts to prevent related pattern of life and environmental hygiene, he continued.

"If house cleaning is not considered, then the ookista cat feces can stick to the equipment in the home and able to survive up to many months," he explained.

Meanwhile, against pregnant women that have been infected, immediately check to the doctor to do immunization Torch.

Persons who suffer acute toxoplasma in general does not feel the pain that does not attract attention so as not detected.

Disease with symptoms similar to other infections, including fever, gland enlargement limfa in the back of the neck without pain, headache, muscle pain, weak or lethargic. Symptoms usually recover spontaneously.

"No means no, but keep the cat a note to clean it, and a regular pattern of healthy living," he said.

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