Acid strand

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Acid strand can attack anyone, but the menopause for women, vulnerable to disease. Moreover, if mengonsumsi indiscriminate food and beverage.

Acid strand. The word is already very familiar in the ears. Even saking familiernya, signs of pain in the joint, can be feet, hands and circle are considered as acid strand. While not all shooting pain in the body are signs of acid strand.

Acid fiber itself is a difficult compound dissolved in the water, which is the end result of body metabolism (purin). Natural purin is in every person's body and found in all living cells from the food, such as from plants (vegetables, fruit, nuts) or animal (meat, offal, fish, sardine). Purin also in alcoholic drinks and food cans.

Mengonsumsi purin excess, that is the acid that causes muscle increases. In young age, the effects of purin will not be felt too. However, after menopause can increase the excess purin kadar acid strand. From various research revealed acid also stimulates nerves renin angiotensin system, so that spur blood pressure. When you visit a doctor when something like this, usually the patient will be given medication called Allopurinol, ie, drugs that prevent antimetabolit acid synthesis muscle.

"This medicine will cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Not only that, but also balance disturbances. So better to keep eating and drinking patterns," said dr Agustinus Manurung, Spd from Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP).

In addition to maintaining the pattern of eating and drinking, Agustinus encourage women to enter the age or have experienced menopause also maintain a balance with regular exercise and diligent fiber measure the acid level in blood.
"I examined the blood in the laboratory. In the lab, the blood cells are separated between the blood serum and blood. Acid strand own pemeriksaannya done on serum blood. Acid fiber measure normal ranges for adult men 3,5-7,0 mg / dl for women and 2,6-6,0 mg / dl.

When the acid content in the top of the normal number, the condition is called hiperurisemia, "explained. Added Agustinus, acid strand that terakumulasi in large amounts in the blood trigger the formation of needle-shaped crystals. Crystal-crystal is usually concentrated in the joints, especially joints perifer (thumbs feet or hands). Sari-joints usually become swollen, stiff, reddish, feels hot, and painful. "Hiperurisemia occasionally accompanied by complications artritis gout or joint inflammation," he added.

Someone fell ill early symptoms of acid strand that is worse is you can not walk or can not wear shoes. This is when acid attacks the nerves feet. "Pain pain will peak in the 24 hours since the first occurrence of symptoms and will disappear entirely after a few hours later. If not by others since early, the disease can become chronic," he said.

Agustinus recommended for women who enter menopause age, should avoid foods such as jerohan, brains, shrimp, mussel, shellfish, fish, Sardine, herring, meat broth, tapai (yeast), food cans, and not emping melinjo mengonsumsi drink containing alcohol such as beer. "If the body of excess weight, because obesity revealed gradually tended to increase with acid content due to eating excess fiber in which the source including purin. Drink water white in sufficient volume so that urine can be more or equal to 1ml/menit. Avoid alcoholic beverages because it contains purin , "he added again.

If people want to reduce the acid strand fiber measure acid in the blood, it is recommended to mengonsumsi Agustinus fruit mengkudu. Allow the juice or tablet form. "For the clinical testing may not have been there, but it is nutritious fruit to reduce the symptoms of acid in the blood vessel or the woman has menopause," he said.

Concerns about acid strand that disrupt daily life was also felt by housewives, Rasmi Susanto (55). During the three years to receive medical treatment acid strand, Rasmi can now claim to perform activities in the home more comfortable with. "After that the food and drinks are very sour determine fiber content in the blood, I stop mengonsumsi drink. I only drink milk and water white. I feel more healthy, "said Rasmi when contacted some time ago.

While undergoing treatment in hospital, Rasmi confess also mengonsumsi shaped fruit mengkudu the pill. "Usually I buy in the drugstore. However, I also do not stop to check up to the doctor," he added again.

Source : Sindo

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