Eating Patterns For Healthy Living

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Eating Patterns For Healthy Living

1. Avoid food as much as possible with the contents of fat (oil, butter, margarine, coconut milk) is high. Unless you want to expand and become a body fat menggelambir everywhere. With the actual pattern of the balanced, fat is tercukupi Feed through natural fat found in nuts or seeds.

2. Avoid food or food that berpengawet. If forced to buy food in the package, select the food that include a clear "WITHOUT preservative" This is important because your stomach is not shed awetan. Long term, this substance can be a trigger cancer.

3. Select food or beverage that white natural. Many people, especially children, always choose the color because the food more interesting. However, after you read this article, leave your habits aditive up oxygen in the body. Select food or beverages without the white coloring alias. Unless the natural color of food, such as chocolate powder from chocolate, strawberry etc. merahnya. Purchase materials such as pudding, for example, select the white, also select the crackers without coloring. That way you avoid possible risk of cancer because of the coloring agent.

4. Do not add sauce, soy sauce, salt and spices penyedap excessive. If possible avoid this food. Because the compound monosodium glutamat listed in the ingredients penyedap only spoil your tongue, but not for health.

5. Perbanyak consumption of fruit and vegetables. Vitamins, minerals, water, oxygen fitonutrien, antioxidants and fiber in a food gift that is truly extraordinary. In addition to the body to be healthy and in shape, andapun free from the risk of various diseases such as cancer as most fruits and vegetables contain fiber that can bind oxygen karsinogen cause of alimentary tract cancer. Avoid emping durian and gas and because it contains high fat, while containing purin spark emping acid strand. Wash clean vegetables and fruits before eating mengindari for bacterial contamination and pesticide residues.

6. Forget viscera, brain, food berkuah thick coconut milk, chicken skin and yellow. Food is a source of fat causes Obesity and ganguan kardiovaskular. Select meat without fat, food berkuah clear, low-fat milk, soy milk, yogurt, egg white, and fish as a good source of protein.

7. Food processing techniques also affect the quality of food. Select the method of cooking food in steam, or stew in the tumis with a little oil. Method fry, grill and roasted in the less recommended, in addition to containing much fat, cooking methods also damage the nutritional value of food because of high summer. Moreover, the food is burned as satai for example, food that burn can be burned because of the occurrence of triggering cancer.

8. Many drinking water is white, at least 8 glasses a day, avoid alcohol, beverages and bersoda womb with high sugar and caffeine. Vegetables and fruit juice is also good to keep and maintain the body's health.

Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!
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