Do not wasted potential Yourself

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Do not wasted potential Yourself

Who are the clever people who never lived? If this question
in proposing, drift in mind that the majority of the people is
Albert Eisntein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Alfa Edison, Isaac Newton,
Mozart, suite or other famous names.

But they are not the answer. The most clever person who had
life called William Sidis. If a person has a normal IQ 90-110,
Albert Eistein as the prototype has a genius IQ 160, Sidis
have the IQ of the `scale '. Estimated IQ is around 250-300.

According to his mother, Sidis began speaking at age 4 months, and read
Newspaper at the age of 18 months. At the age of 8 years he taught himself
own Latin, Greek, Russian, French, German, Hebrew,
Armenia and Turkey. He finally can take 40 languages and it is reported
he can learn languages in a single day. He completed primary school in 7
months, 6 sunday school and graduate of Harvard and MIT Medical
at the age of 11 years.

Unfortunately William Sidis died at the age of 46 years due to stroke
and history does not record nearly anything about him. He does not have
like other legacy genius. He does not have anything that
can be donated for human civilization when he was born in the century to
20. Life and its potential futile because there is no desire to
donate something for the sake of the world.

Proficiency does not determine the contribution and influence that we provide
for each other. Impact for people only comes from the desire
or desire to perform and develop their potential and that we
have. That's what determines the high peaks of someone living.

Most of us not born as a genius, but we
is being created in accordance with the image of God. To us
have been given a unique ability by the Creator. Destination God
so that people can honor and became the ruler over ciptaanNya
the other. Do not chase wasted potential that God already invest
in our lives. Discover and develop.

All Blessing
Nancy Dinar

Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!
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