Speculation for bloggers

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Speculation for bloggers

Jeffrey Lim

In this cyberspace world we find the phenomenon that is the new Blog. What is blog? Blog contains personal writings published in the website. Blog is a public media. The bloggers write and they do not have publisher, no editor, but the readers want. And this blog some karakterisitik which makes them interesting is the transparency. Many people write a diary on their daily blog and other people can read the stories of their lives. There may be a blogger is criticizing that narsistik and told their lives as though they are celebritis public media. But we believe as a people must have a comprehensive framework of thinking to see the media as a tool that can be positive and negative. Like a knife can be used to kill or cut apples. But can also be used both. Framework for thinking people against Christian culture must be seen from the framework of Creation - fall - Atonement. Then the Christian must also be seen from the Common grace and general revelation.

How do we blog phenomenon?

Many people are now installing their blog to write a personal diary and personal articles. In fact this phenomenon is a phenomenon in the postmodern world where the authorities began to move from a centralized to individuals. Each person can write a blog and mensharingkan writings to others. But how we view this phenomenon? Do not criticize too quickly. Of course there are negative side-the side of the blog, but we must learn to see the positive and redeem it for the glory of God.

This of course is too short. But at least we think can make. Many people in the virtual world is related to one another. They create a cyber community or virtual community. Actually there are some fairly essence that we can learn from the phenomenon that is this blog phenomenon Transparency.

In fact in the relations of the people in need of transparency. Human miss the camaraderie with one another opens. Credibility can be built in transparency. Intimacy, partnership and communication in the built in transparency. This should make people believe we live in the study of truth, honesty and openness. The Bible teaches that we must confess each sin. We need friends to each other open and transparent. There occurs a new alliance. Therefore the church must provide a place for transparency. But openness is not only of the people like me that is postmodern and accept me as is. Not like that. People believe there must be open, but would like a commitment to change. Each person must advise each other and chide each other for each other open. We must function as a priest of our fellow.

Then we can also learn that the man is a creature relationship. Many people who berelasi in the virtual community. This indicates the need human community. But it is clear that this is a virtual community phenomenon in which human relationships are thirsty. One thing that the relationship truly committed in and there should be in the fellowship of believers in the church. One thing that virtual communities can not replace the relationships and interactions in real time in every living day-to-day. Significantly more in the community but rather a risk for injury. Therefore we must learn to love each other in day-to-day relations, so that more people can share in the love and truth that is in Christ. Man should be in each other so strong and one of the strategies is to create a human demons allied or not allied with that is not good.

Before I close this brief and any posts I want to conclude that we must continue to build our community in love and truth. We must also learn to honestly say the truth in our lives. We are called to reveal the truth and the life to be blessed. Blog there are many negative sides but also have a positive side that we can learn.

John Piper writing the reasons why a servant of God must have a blog that is: to spread the truth, learn to write, to make themselves known (this is not always ugly), etc.. (Search in www.desiringgod.org)

Let us continue to learn merefleksi every cultural phenomenon and try to understand and menaklukan them to Christ.

Jeffrey Lim

22 July 2008

After reading the book Everyday theology

Jakarta, Institute of Reformed

Soli Deo Gloria

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- Critical Review of Theology Religionum

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