If the nosebleed Parenting Tips

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If the nosebleed Parenting Tips

Most of the nosebleed is not harmful to the child. So, no need to panic. During the children look healthy and active, was not accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, parents need not worry too.

If the nose is often out of the blood or nosebleed, because the nose has many blood vessel, especially behind the lamina cupingnya.

Mucous and blood vessel children still thin and sensitive, so that when a spark of factors such as cold or mild trauma, blood is immediately run down exit. Have generally occur spontaneously, lightweight, and easy to stop.

The fuse nosebleed children

As a result of hard objects, possessed a foreign object, or a lighter-dikorek create mucous and blood vessel injury in the nose and cause bleeding.

The use of AC is not wise
How AC absorb the moisture in the air to make room in kelembapan much reduced. Added, the temperature is too cold to make the air so dry. Air dry diisap the children will create a tool pernapasannya dry up, so that the membrane mucus easily broken and bloody.

Reaction refluks
Especially for babies, nosebleed can occur because the reaction refluks. This happens when the baby is vomiting or gumoh. Reverse the flow of food from the stomach to the mouth or nose can cause a nosebleed. Vomit that many contain oxygen that can injure or mengiritasi nose. Nosebleed in infants generally recover and do not need special handling.

The offspring
Children born with a particular blood vessel in the nose bleed and fragile. humidity If the air is very low as the country's subtropical and temperature is very cold, the children generally do not like this so that the ongoing nose bleed. In fact, many other children who do not experience similar interference.

First you can do is stop the bleeding without medication assistance and equipment. Simply sit with the position of the body and the head slightly forward to the future. Then use the thumb and index finger to press and close the nose. Meanwhile, the mouth opened to breathe. Do for 1-2 minutes. Not long and usually stops the blood directly.

With the means to promote blood will not flow back to the throat. Use to prevent irritation and cough, choke, or vomit blood. Sitting position also makes blood flow more slowly, because the position as the heart pumps blood center under the nose. Different if the child dibaringkan, because the position of the heart are in line with the nose, so that blood flow is relatively faster.

If you do not first succeed, try ice compress to the nose. wrap ice sniffer ago with the paste in between the brow and nose. In addition to ice, other objects such as frozen food or drink can be used. Ice and other cold objects be able to decrease the blood vessel so that the bleeding was quickly stopped. Compress can be done when the bleeding is in progress and stop.

It is important done, Be quiet when the small nosebleed. Panic parents can create panic and took the child to cry. Finally, the bleeding stopped difficult.

If 15-20 minutes in the bleeding does not stop come , repeat the movement and pressing the nose as described earlier. Immediately go see a doctor or clinic nearest hospital if the nosebleed does not stop. Doctor will give medicine to help with the drops or spray medication that is capable of preventing outbreak vein. In fact, may be part of the nose bleed burnt (dikostik) so that blood does not continue to go out, and then the nose clean. If not successful, doctors will give tampon or cotton with salep vaselin for 1-2 days. Its function is to press and rest bleeding.

After the blood stops out, what should be done?
Try exhale child does not breath through the nose too hard. Children should also be described in order not to scrape dredge up the nose or a scar kiln. Action that will cause the nose bleeding again.

Will the nosebleed incident blow forever?
If you have overcome the interference will stop nosebleed. Nosebleed because of dengue fever, for example, will be lost after berdarahnya fever recover. Similarly with the nosebleed because of disease infection, once cured, is soon going nosebleed.

Interference nosebleed generally reduced in accordance with growing age. The add-age, blood vessel and mucous in the nose is strong, not easy to bleed.

Nosebleed is necessary in serious?
Although the majority of cases of nosebleed is not harmful, parents should be wary if the frequency of nosebleed is quite often, every 1-2 days. This is because the possibility exists that the small carry dangerous diseases. Diseases such as ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura), dengue fever, leukemia, thalasemia weight, or hemofilia, can also show symptoms of nosebleed. This is because a low degree trombosit can cause bleeding in the nose. Hemofilia children may have a degree trombosit normal, but lower the blood coagulation factors, so often experienced bleeding. Although very rare case, children and high blood kidney failure also have a risk of nosebleed. Similarly children with history hypertension (high blood pressure).

Note the symptoms that may accompany. If accompanied by fever, possible causes of infection such as dengue fever. If accompanied by the emergence of The speck-menjurus The speck of blood on the possibility of leukemia or ITP. While in the nosebleed sinusitis generally accompanied by headache.

Different from the normal nosebleed which generally comes in the anterior (the front of the nose cavity), the nosebleed that comes from the dangerous disease in the nose (posterior). Not surprisingly, a lot of blood out and stopped hard.

Bleeding that can make many children lack the blood (anemia). In fact, may not cause fainting. To overcome this, the doctor will give you vitamins and minerals. Another thing if a child lost a lot of blood. Very probably, he had to undergo a blood transfusion.

Whether the drugs can cause a nosebleed?
Yes, the use of certain drugs can also cause a nosebleed. Antipanas drugs containing acetyl salicylic acid, for example, in some children can cause a nosebleed. Immediately consult the doctor if the medicine to give a specific reaction, such as nosebleed less well on the child.

PREVENT TIP nosebleed

* Use the AC with a wise and safe. Do not set the AC too cold and long. In addition to profligate energy, the air in the room will be very cold and dry. For Indonesia, 23-260C temperature is relatively low.

* Avoid exposure of children smoke cigarettes. In addition to respiratory mengiritasi channel, smoking can also dry out the nose channel. This will clearly make children easier to nosebleed.

* When itchy, runny nose, or nose clean dirt, ajari children to use the tissue and sniffer . Avoid the habit scrape dredge up the nose or exhale air through the nose too hard.

* Try to eat lots of vegetables and fruit in order to strengthen the mucous nose.

* Keep children out of things spark a reaction in the house. Dangerous goods should also not to be removed until hurt children.

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