To prevent brain is still not Forgotten

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To prevent brain is still not Forgotten

With increasing age, the brain nerve function must be maintained. I still do physical activity and brain. That is not less important adala nutrition for the brain.
Being forgetful is the initial symptoms of senility (demensia).
There demensia degeneratif (penuaan) called Alzheimer; demensia because of blood vessel disruption, and a mixture of both. Most demensia Alzheimer (50-60%) due to interference and demensia vein 10-20%. Some research concludes, demensia generally occurs at the age of 60 + years. Demensia caused by organic disease in the brain, due to degeneration nerve cells. Symptoms can be a setback demensia intellectual ability, memory disturbances, difficult to mention names of people or objects, not able to identify things, and emotions.

Nutrition brain
There are theories hiperhomosisteinemia (kadr homosistein increase in the blood), as penyeba demensia. This condition affects karsinogenesis (forming karsinogen / substance triggered cancer) with a reduction in DNA in a specific network. Hiperhomosisteinemia associated with the low concentration of vitamin B3 (niasin), B12, B6 and B9 (folat acid) in blood. Research Kaplan etc. (2002) shows the cognitive ability of elderly can be improved with the foods that contain carbohydrate, protein and fat, which is a component of brain nutrition.

Bran et al study (2002) showed a significant relationship between the provision of supplements folat acid, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 with the ability to remember the women of various age groups. Research Karger and Basel (2003) states, the improvement occurs blood brain barrier function and the normalization value homosistein, through high-dose Vitamin B12, B6 and folat acid during 270 days in 30 patients who have experienced damage and increase the cognitive level in the blood homosistein.
Vitamin B3, B6, and B12 acid folat
To beraktivitas, the brain need energy as glucose. Glucose mainly obtained from the blood circulation in the brain. Nutrition so that works, do the body metabolism, associated with the presence of vitamin kofaktor as enzyme-enzyme pemetabolisme.
Vitamin B3 important for blood circulation and skin health. Defisiensi (lack of) niasin known as the 3D syndrome (dermatitis, diarrhea, demensia) common. Defisiensi niasin can cause depression, fear, mania, memory deficits and may continue to be demensia.

Vitamin B6 maintain health of blood, skin and nervous system. As kofaktor enzyme, viamin B6 important absorbsi for fat and protein. Lack of vitamin B6 can cause depression, sensitive and easy to vote against irritation. However, the use of a prolonged period (1000mg/hari) can damage the nerve.
Folat acid, vitamin B6, B12 and metionin role in biological metilasi and maintenance folat intraseluler for DNA synthesis. Folat acid and vitamin B12 functions as an important donor metil for neurotransmitter (nerve penghatar) composer brain.
Defisiensi cause acid folat easily forget, insomnia and depression and demensia. Defisiensi vitamin B12 cause depression, fear, remember the power reduction, paronia, halusinasi and demensia. Folat acid consumption should be accompanied by vitamin B12, because both mutual cooperation.
When no longer work or routine, the brain took a break. As a result, many people age 60-an, especially retirees, demensia show symptoms. To avoid senility, the brain must keep working. TTU or fill up puzzle can sharpen the brain.

Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!
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