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Cancer is a disease of unknown cause, but there are risk factors the incidence of this disease.

Some known causes are genetic factors, environmental factors that can be a spark, such as irradiation (radiation) when the pregnant young, mengonsumsi too many drugs and hormones needle.

Next, Sumarjati mention, there are tandatanda common symptoms of cancer in children. Such as white spot on the eye, eye ball looks bigger, prominent eyes, bleeding in the eyes spontaneously, eyes suddenly squint. Generally, these things happen to children under the age of 4 years.

In addition, other signs are swelling, such as the liver, spleen, neck, fruit cock, lymph gland, and bone. Pain relief in the bones or joints. There are also signs neurologis form a continuous headache, nausea or vomiting along with the hose at up to sleep, balance disturbances, the decline in awareness, convulsions, behavioral changes, paralysis and nervous members of brain movement.

"Waspadai also signs such as pale face, fever of unknown cause, the abnormal bleeding (hematoma or birubiru around skin, nosebleed, bloody urine), the occurrence of a decrease in body weight drastically and the child does not appetite," sebutnya.

A research conducted by the Department of Community Health and the behavioral, children aged seven years is very vulnerable to the danger of skin cancer. Because the skin of children vulnerable flyspeck emergence. Moreover, if exposed to the sun often. This is the occurrence of cancer can be vulnerable.

"Cancer is a disease that is difficult to know the causes, and factors pemicunya is ultraviolet rays," he said.

He added, ultraviolet rays are directly exposed to the skin will cause skin cancer. Therefore, if you want to sunbathe on the beach, then please use Sunblock, avoid the sun began to gush at 08.00-11.00. Because in the hours, the sun contains a large measure ultraviolet and can cause skin cancer.

Research that was announced in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention indicate that more than 62,000 people fell ill America melanoma (skin cancer) each year and more than 8000 have died due to cancer.

"Parents should be more careful if you want to take their children to the beach, especially if the location is very hot," said one member of the researchers, Lori Crane.

Dalam program ini tersedia dana dengan jumlah tak terbatas yang berasal dari ribuan sumber sehingga memungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk mendaftar dan berpeluang mendapatkan dana hibah, tanpa syarat!
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